Release Notes | Passage Technology

Spring 2016 - Milestones PM+ Release

Written by Passage Technology | Feb 18, 2016

Milestones PM+ Free Edition


  • Gantt Color Customization - You can now use workflow to configure whatever '6-digit' colors you wish to have displayed on the gantt chart. On the project, milestone, or task objects, there is now a Gantt_Color__c custom field that you can populate with the color codes. We recommend using a "when the record is created" workflow to automatically assign/default these values for your records. With this feature, you can now set different color schemes for projects vs milestones vs tasks or for completed, late, not started, etc tasks. (v6.8)
  • Expand All / Collapse All - You can now easily "expand all" tasks or "collapse all" tasks for each milestone displayed in one click. (v6.13)
  • Sticky Tasks - The state of expanded or collapsed milestones will stick while you're on the project. (v6.13)
  • Fiscal Year Support  -The gantt chart will now start the display of months according to your fiscal year configuration. Please note that the fiscal year configuration is in the Fiscal Year Offset custom setting. (v6.8)

Other Changes

  • Performance improvement to the automated project creation process. (v6.11)
  • Bug fixes related to the gantt chart PROJECT view. (v6.14)

Milestones PM+ Premium Edition


  • You can now easily view the print date of the gantt chart when printing. No more guessing if the data is too old. (v6.14)
  • Added account name on the print page and removed Salesforce logo. (v6.10)


  • Internal/External tasks and milestones. (v6.8)
  • Delete Tasks - Added the ability to delete selected tasks. Warning: When electing to delete a milestone, please note that all tasks for the deleted milestone will also be deleted. (v6.9)

Other Changes

  • Bug fixes related to the gantt chart PRINT view and MANAGE views. (v6.14)