Rollup Helper Use Case Library | Passage Technology

Campaign Metrics - First Response Date

Written by Susan Harris | Sep 02, 2014


As an Sales Representative, I want to see the first response date to a given campaign displayed on a contact record in order to determine how quickly a prospect responds.


You can rollup the first response date of the Campaign to the Contact record via Campaign Membership.

First, Create a custom date field on the Contact record (Campaign First Response Date) and then, from the Rollups tab, select New.

  1. Select Contact as the place you would like your results to reside.
  2. Select your custom field (Campaign First Response Date)
  3. Select Campaign Member with the relationship ContactID - CampaignMember.ContactID, then select First Responded Date at the Field on Campaign Member to use as a source.  Select Minimum, then either Save, or Save and Run your rollup.