Rollup Helper Use Case Library | Passage Technology

Campaign Metrics - Most Recent Campaign

Written by Susan Harris | Sep 02, 2014


As a Sales Representative, I want to see the name of the most recent Campaign a prospect was a member of displayed on the Contact record.


You can rollup the name of the most recent Campaign to the Contact record via Campaign Membership.

First, create a new custom text field on Contact (Campaign Name - Most Recent)

  1. Choose Contact as where you would like your rollup results to reside.
  2. Choose your custom field (Campaign Name - Most Recent) as the field where you would like your results to reside.
  3. Select Campaign Member as the object to use as your source with the relationship ContactID - CampaignMember.ContactID, then select CampaignID> and Name as the field to use as your source.  Select Text Separated By
  4. Create a new filter:
    1. Name the filter (Most Recent Campaign)
    2. Limit to 1 record.
    3. Specify Sort Order - Created Date, Descending Order

Save the filter, then either save the rollup or save and run the rollup.

To see this information displayed on Account, create a hierarchy rollup using your results as the source for a rollup to Account.