Rollup Helper Use Case Library | Passage Technology

Number of Open, Closed, In Process, Critical Cases On Account

Written by Passage Technology | Mar 24, 2016


Support wants to see how many cases are in each status with an Account to see how well they are being provided service. Sales and Marketing may hold off on selling if an Account is currently experiencing issues. 


For this example, we are going to focus on Open cases. But you can switch out "open" with any other field value. 

  • In Setup, create a new number field on Account. Name it something like "Number of Open Cases"
  • In Rollup Helper, create a new setting
    • Target Object is Account
    • Target Field is the field you just created (Number of Open Cases)
    • Child Object is Cases
    • Rollup Type is Count
    • Create a new filter
      • Filter criteria should be Status equals Open (or whatever your field value is. If you want to include multiple statuses, make filter criteria for each one)
    • Save the filter, and run the rollup