Rollup Helper Use Case Library | Passage Technology

Opportunity Whitespace Reporting With Rollup Helper Text Rollups

Written by Passage Technology | Dec 07, 2015


As a sales representative or manager, you need to know which products have or have not been purchased for each of your Accounts, so that you can have the most effective conversation and updated account plan available. By aggregating product information into your Account page, you now have the information you need to make smarter business decisions. Also, your Salesforce administrator will be able to use the information for Validation Rules, Workflow Rules, Processes, or Formula fields. This empowers you to see information at a glance for Opportunities to cross sell or upsell. This information can also be useful for your Marketing department to program Marketing Automation processes or to be used in your Account Based Marketing (ABM) implementation.


Rollup Helper can roll up the Opportunity Products to a Text Area field on an Opportunity, and then again to the Account. If you would like to extend the use case by seeing Products Purchased by Industry or in a Region or Zip Code, you can use Lookup Helper to automatically populate your lookups from Account to your desired Custom Object.

The first step is to create a new custom field (using Text Area as the data type) on the Account and Opportunity objects. You can name the fields "Products Ordered."

Next, we will need a formula checkbox field because in this use case we want to determine if the "Propane" product was purchased. Therefore, create another custom field (using Formula Checkbox as the data type) on the Account object. You can name the field "Purchased Propane?" The formula would look similar to this: CONTAINS ( Products_Ordered__c, "Propane" )

Now we can create the first rollup:

  • Select Opportunity as the Destination Object
  • Select "Products Ordered" as the Target Field
  • Select Opportunity Product as the Child Object
  • Use the default relationship field
  • Select Text as the Rollup Type
  • Select Product ID > Product Name as the Source Field
  • Creating a New Filter is optional
  • Save and Run the rollup

For the second rollup:

  • Select Account as the Destination Object
  • Select "Products Ordered" as the Target Field
  • Select Opportunity as the Child Object
  • Use the default relationship field
  • Select Text as the Rollup Type
  • Select Products Ordered as the Source Field
  • Creating a New Filter is optional
  • Save and Run the rollup