Rollup Helper Use Case Library | Passage Technology

Products Purchased

Written by Susan Harris | Jun 24, 2015


As an Account Manager in order to identify white space on Accounts, I would like to see a list of Opportunity Products purchased on each Account.


In order to see the results on an Account, a hierarchy rollup must be created.  Products are first rolled up to the Opportunity, then again to Account.

Step 1) Create a text area field on Opportunity (Products Purchased) and a text area field on Account (Opportunity Products Purchased)

Step 2) Create a rollup of Products Purchased to Opportunity:

  1. Rollup Helper tab, select Opportunity
  2. Select the field you created (Products Purchased)
  3. Select Opportunity Product as the Child Object and Product ID > as the field, then Product Name.
  4. Select Text (Separated by New Line)
  5. Save and Run the rollup

Step 3) Create a hierarchy rollup to Account:

  1. Rollup Helper tab, select Account
  2. Select the field you created (Opportunity Products Purchased)
  3. Select Opportunity as the Child Object and Products Purchased (rollup results) as the field
  4. Select Text (Separated by New Line)
  5. Add a filter for Closed Won Opportunities - Stage Contains Won (WHERE isDeleted = false AND stagename LIKE '%Won%' ORDER BY Id DESC NULLS LAST)
  6. Save and Run the rollup


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