Rollup Helper Use Case Library | Passage Technology

Calculating an Account Level Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Written by Cady Wakitsch | Aug 23, 2021


You send out Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys to your customers. Responses are recorded on the Contact, but you want to get a high level view of how many Promoters and Detractors are recorded for each Account.


You'll need to create 3 separate rollups: Number of Promoters, Number of Detractors, Number of Total Responses.

  • In Setup > Object Manager, create 3 new number fields on the Account object to house the results of all 3 rollups. Optionally hide these fields from the Account layouts if you only want them for the formula calculation, and not displayed to users. 

Rollup 1: Number of Promoters

  • Target object is Account
  • Target field is the field you created for Number of Promoters
  • Child object is Contact
  • Relationship Field is Account ID - Contact.AccountId
  • Rollup type is Count
  • Create filter to only count promoters
    • Filter criteria is the result of your NPS survey (however you have that stored) is either a 9 or 10. 
  • Save filter, save and run rollup

Rollup 2: Number of Detractors

  • Same steps as rollup 1, except change the Target field to the one you created for Number of Detractors
  • Create new filter, where the filter criteria is the result of your NPS survey is less than or equal to 6. 

Rollup 3: Total Responses

  • Same steps as rollup 1, except change the Target field to the one you created for Total Responses
  • Create new filter, where the filter criteria is that there the NPS survey contains any number 1-10 since we want all responses. 
After all of the rollups are created, create a formula field on the Account to make the NPS calculation (# Promoters / Total)-(# Detractors / Total).

These rollups can assist in the timing of future NPS sends, as well as Account intel for the customer success team. 

This use case came from our one our customers! We love to hear how you're using our apps to solve different needs. Let us know if you have a success story you want to share with us.