Milestones PM+ Use Case Library | Passage Technology

Helper Suite Apps Enhance Milestones PM+ for free

Written by Passage Technology | May 06, 2021

Enhance Milestones PM+ project management with free Helper Suite apps.

Lookup Helper

Projects can be easily related to any object in Salesforce – Contact, Opportunity, Contract, even location objects like Location and Address – with a simple lookup field. By default, the Project object has an Account lookup field.

To associate Projects to non-Account objects, relate a new Project lookup field to that object. Once this Project lookup field or the default Account field is populated, that record’s data can be used in other Project fields and auto-populated by Lookup Helper. These auto-populated fields can then be utilized for custom reporting and workflow processes (such as Project Record Type or pre-set Project field based on Account Record Type or the Type field).

Examples below use Account but can be replaced with other associated objects.

Salesforce reports for time entry logs from Milestones PM+. Relate Time Entry and another object with a lookup field, then auto-populate that lookup field with Lookup Helper. This allows data to be used in reporting and rollups.

Display Project Tasks on An Account (or any other Object). Relate a new Task lookup field to Project, then auto-populate it with the Project’s Account field using Lookup Helper. Then, add the new Task Related List to the Account page layout. This saves time and eliminates errors from manually entering the Account on every Task, and improves visibility of Project work on the Account record.

Project reports based on location (and other unique identifiers/attributes such as industry, rating). Relate a new Project lookup field to Account, then auto-populate it with the Account’s location field (Billing State, Shipping Country, etc.) using Lookup Helper. This also works if Account has a lookup relationship with a locale (standard and custom) object, because then that locale lookup field can provide the value for the aforementioned Project’s location field.

To see Projects on a locale record, relate a new Project lookup field to the locale object, then auto-populate it with Lookup Helper.

Rollup Helper

Tracking Billable and Nonbillable Time for Customer Projects.

Customize percent-complete tracking. By default, the Project and Milestone objects have ‘Percent Complete’ formula fields based on other provided Task fields on the object. To calculate based on Milestones completed (instead of Tasks) on Project, use Rollup Helper to count the total number of Milestones the Project has, then count the total number of Milestones completed (whether by the included ‘Complete’ checkbox or a custom stage field). Percentage customization can also be done on different objects like Program.

Cross-object date customization. As Programs have multiple related Projects, Rollup Helper can determine the earliest Project beginning date using a MIN rollup and set a Program Start Date field with that value.

Storage Helper

Delete old and unwanted Project data for free with Storage Helper. Setup an automatic rule to delete Projects and its related Milestones and Tasks that have been marked complete for a year, reducing clutter and saving valuable Salesforce data storage.