Install Instructions

We highly recommend testing in a sandbox environment prior to installing into a production environment. This will ensure that unwanted changes do not negatively affect your organization.

Install on AppExchange


Data Quality Helper Rule Types

  1. Once Data Quality Helper has been installed, open the ‘Data Quality Helper Configuration’ tab. (If not visible you may assign the ‘Data Quality Helper All Access’ permission set to your user)
  2. Select the setting type for the setting you would like to configure. 
Data Quality Helper Configuration Screen
    1. Data Validation Configuration — Configure validation rules that are similar to the standard Salesforce validation rules, but also allow users to bypass the validation warning message for edge cases where invalid looking data is actually correct.
    2. Duplicate Rule Configuration — Configure duplicate rules that allow users to select what record a duplicate should be merged into as well as which fields need to be updated during the merge process.
    3. Dynamic Form Configuration — Configure when fields should be displayed to a user when they view, edit, and create records.


Data Quality Helper Rule Creation

Data validation configuration

  1. Navigate to the ‘Data Quality Helper Configuration’ tab.
  2. Click on the ‘Data Validation Configuration’ option.
  3. Click the ‘New Rule’ button.
    1. Populate the name of the rule (something to make the setting easily identifiable).
    2. Populate the description field with a description of what the new rule will achieve.
    3. Select the object that the rule is being created for.
    4. Check the ‘Active’ checkbox if you would like the rule to be active on creation.
    5. If you would like the rule to be a soft validation rule (that will allow users to save a record regardless of the warning message) check the ‘Allow Save After Displaying Warning’ checkbox. If you would like to completely prevent the save of a record select the ‘Prevent Save After Displaying Warning’ checkbox.
    6. Select when you would like the rule to run. If ‘Before Save’ is selected, the rule will run prior to any automation taking place (ex: triggers, workflows, etc). If ‘After Save’ is selected, all automation will take place before checking for the error.
    7. Populate the custom warning message that should be displayed when the validation rule is encountered during the creation/update of a record.
    8. Select the background color for the warning message that will be displayed to users.
    9. Optional Configuration (click to expand)
      • The ‘Track Records That Encounter Warning’ setting will log when a record encounters a Data Quality Helper warning message when enabled.
      • The ‘Allow Users To Ignore Warning’ setting will allow users to prevent Data Quality Helper warning messages from displaying when they no longer want to see them while viewing/editing a record.
      • The ‘Field To Highlight’ setting allows the admin to specify a field that should be highlighted if a validation rule has been encountered.
  4. Once the input information looks correct, click the ‘Next’ button to advance to the criterion creation.
    1. Select the object that you would like to create a validation setting criterion for. By default, it will be set to the object the rule is being created for; however, you may traverse to a parent or child object, or enable/disable rules for specific users by selecting the ‘Current User’ option.
    2. Select the field for the selected object you would like to validate.
      1. If the object selected in step a is not a parent object, child object, or a current user filter, you have the option to only evaluate the criterion being created if the value for the field you select in this step has a change of value.
    3. Select the comparison type you would like to use. You may either compare the selected field’s value to another field’s value by selecting the ‘Field Comparison’ option, or you may compare the selected field’s value to a defined value by selecting the ‘Value Comparison’ option.
      1. If the validation field is numeric and the ‘Field Comparison’ type is selected, you may perform basic calculations on the comparison field when the ‘Use Field In Calculation’ checkbox is selected.
    4. Select the operator you would like to use to validate the data.
    5. Populate a value or select a field that the field should be compared to. 
      1. If the field being evaluated is a text field you will have the ability to check for exact case-sensitivity using the ‘Case-Sensitive’ checkbox below the input field.
    6. Once the defined criterion looks correct, click the ‘Add Criteria’ button.
    7. Repeat the above steps a-e until all the validation criteria is completely defined.
    8. Update the criteria logic if needed.
    9. Click the ‘Save’ button to create the new Data Quality Helper Validation Rule.

Duplicate rule configuration

  1. Navigate to the ‘Data Quality Helper Configuration’ tab.
  2. Click on the ‘Duplicate Rule Configuration’ option.
  3. Click the ‘New Rule’ button.
    1. Populate the name of the rule (something to make the setting easily identifiable).
    2. Populate the description field with a description of what the new rule will achieve.
    3. Select the object that the rule is being created for.
    4. Check the ‘Active’ checkbox if you would like the rule to be active on creation.
    5. Select the option of how the duplicate rule should be handled.
      • ‘Automatically Merge’ will merge the closest matching duplicate record when found.
      • ‘Manually Merge’ will allow users to select what duplicate to merge with as well as allow them to select what fields should be updated during the merge. 
    6. Select when you would like the rule to run. If ‘Before Save’ is selected, the rule will run prior to any automation taking place (ex: triggers, workflows, etc). If ‘After Save’ is selected, all automation will take place before checking for the error.
    7. Optional Configuration (click to expand)
      • The ‘Track Records That Encounter Warning’ setting will log when a record has duplicate records when enabled.
      • The ‘Track Records Merged’ setting allows users to restore recently merged records. Please Note: Only records in the Salesforce recycling bin can be restored. Once records leave the Salesforce recycling bin, they may no longer be restored by Data Quality Helper.
      • The ‘Allow Users To Ignore Warning’ setting will allow users to remove duplicate records from the list of duplicates when viewing/editing a record.
  4. Once the input information looks correct, click the ‘Next’ button to advance to the criterion creation.
    1. Select the object that you would like to check for duplicates.
    2. Select the operator that you would like to use when checking for duplicates.
      1. If you select the ‘Similarity Percentage’ option:
        1. Use the slider to define how similar the field values should be
        2. Select the fields that should be compared
      2. If you select any other option:
        1. Select the two fields to compare on the records.
    3. Once the defined criterion looks correct click the ‘Add Criteria’ button.
    4. Repeat the above steps a-c until all the validation criteria is completely defined.
    5. Update the criteria logic if needed.
    6. Click the ‘Save’ button to create the new Data Quality Helper Duplicate Rule.

Dynamic Form Configuration

  1. Navigate to the ‘Data Quality Helper Configuration’ tab.
  2. Click on the ‘Dynamic Form Configuration’ option.
  3. Click the ‘New Rule’ button.
    1. Populate the name of the Dynamic Form.
    2. Select the object the Dynamic Form should be created for.
    3. Keep the Dynamic Form active or deactivate it if desired.
    4. Once the desired configuration is defined, click the ‘Next’ button to define the Dynamic Form criteria.
    5. Select one or multiple fields you would like to show/hide based on defined criteria. 
    6. In the table below the field selection picklist, you may define your first criterion.
      1. Select the criterion field
      2. Select the criterion operator
      3. Select the criterion value
    7. If additional criterion should be defined, you may click the ‘+ Add Criterion’ button on the bottom left of the criterion table. Please Note: The add criterion button will be disabled if the criteria field and operator have not been selected for your first criterion.
    8. Repeat steps f-g for as many criterion as needed.
    9. Adjust the criteria logic above the criterion table if needed.
    10. Once the desired criteria has been defined, click the ‘Save Dynamic Field Criteria’ button on the bottom right of the criterion table. Please Note: The ‘Save Dynamic Field Criteria’ button will be disabled if any of the defined criteria have blank criteria fields or operators.
    11. If additional dynamic fields should be defined click the ‘+ Dynamic Fields’ button.
      1. Repeat steps e-k for as many dynamic fields as desired.


Post-Setting Configuration

Enable functionality for edit and creation of records

Once the desired Data Quality Helper settings have been created, the default buttons for the settings’ objects will need to be updated to leverage the Data Quality Helper lightning component. Please Note: The DQH_Upsert Lightning Web Component does not support the Task and Event objects.

  1. Go into Setup (in the lightning experience)
  2. Search for and select the ‘Object Manager’
  3. Select the object that you have created a setting for.
  4. Select the ‘Buttons, Links, and Action’ section.
  5. Find the buttons you would like to override to leverage the Data Quality Helper functionality.
    Default buttons for the settings' objects
    1. If you would like to run the Data Quality Helper settings on creation of a record, select the dropdown menu to the right of the ‘New’ button and click ‘Edit’.
    2. If you would like to run the Data Quality Helper settings on edit of a record, select the dropdown menu to the right of the ‘Edit’ button and click ‘Edit’.
  6. Update both the ‘Lightning Experience Override’ and ‘Mobile Override’ sections to leverage the ‘DQH:DQH_Upsert’ Lightning Component. (see image below for an example)
    Update Override Properties
  7. Repeat the above steps 3-6 for each object that a Data Quality Helper rule has been created for.

Enable functionality when viewing record detail pages

If you would like to display warning messages to users viewing the record detail page for a record that encounters Data Quality Helper validation/dupe warnings, you can follow the steps below to add the ‘Data Quality Helper Record Detail Info’ component to the lightning record page.

  1. Go into Setup (in the lightning experience).
  2. Search for and select the ‘Object Manager’.
  3. Select the object that you have created a setting for.
  4. Select the ‘Lightning Record Pages’ section.
  5. Edit your existing lightning record page or add a new one. 
    1. If creating a new lightning record page, select what type of page, click ‘Next’, and populate the label for the layout and what object the layout belongs to, click ‘Next’, then select the page template you would like to use.
  6. Scroll down in the components section on the left hand side of the page to the ‘Custom - Managed’ component sub section.
  7. Click and drag the ‘Data Quality Helper Record Detail Info’ custom component to where you would like it to display on your detail page.
    Data Quality Helper Record Detail Info
  8. If you would like to enable inline edit functionality, you may click the Data Quality Helper Record Detail Component once added to the page and check the ‘Allow Inline Edit’ checkbox in the component information section on the far right side. Please Note: If inline edit functionality is enabled, we suggest removing the standard record detail component from the page. If not removed, the details will display twice.
    Enabling inline edit functionality
  9. Once the page looks good, ‘Save’ and activate the lightning record page.

View All Data Quality Issues

If you would like for users to see multiple records that have encountered data quality issues, you may follow the steps below to add the ‘Data Quality Helper Issues’ component to the home page layout.

  1. Go into Setup (in the lightning experience).
  2. Search for and select Lightning App Builder.
  3. Click ‘Edit’ next to the home page layout that you would like to modify. In most cases, it will be ‘Home Page Default’.
  4. Scroll down in the components section on the left hand side of the page to the ‘Custom - Managed’ component sub section.
  5. Click and drag the ‘Data Quality Helper Issues’ custom component to where you would like it to display on the home page.
    Clicking and dragging the ‘Data Quality Helper Issues’ custom component
  6. Once the page looks good, ‘Save’ and activate the home page.
Please Note: If you have just created a duplicate or validation rule, you may have to log issues for the created rule. To do this, go to the ‘Data Quality Helper Configuration’ tab, select the rule type for the recently created rule, find the rule in the list then click the dropdown menu item in the far right column, then click the ‘Log Validation Issues’ or ‘Log Dupe Records’ menu item.

Deleting Unneeded Rules

If you have created a validation or duplicate rule that is no longer needed, you may follow the steps below to delete the unneeded rules.

  1. Go to the ‘Data Quality Helper Configuration’ tab.
  2. Select the ‘Validation Rule Configuration’ or ‘Duplicate Rule Configuration’ option based on the type of rule you would like to delete.
  3. Click the drop down menu item in the far right column for the rule you would like to delete.
  4. Click the ‘Delete’ menu item.

Alternative Deletion Method:

  1. Go to setup (in the lightning experience).
  2. Search for and select ‘Custom Metadata Types’.
    Searching for and selecting ‘Custom Metadata Types’
  3. Click ‘Manage Records’ next to the ‘Data Quality Helper Setting’ metadata type.
    Clicking ‘Manage Records’ next to the ‘Data Quality Helper Setting’ metadata type
  4. Identify which rule should be deleted, then click on the label for the rule.
    dentifying which rule should be deleted, then clicking on the label for the rule
  5. Delete all of the criteria in the ‘Data Quality Helper Criteria’ related list.
    Deleting all of the criteria in the ‘Data Quality Helper Criteria’ related list
  6. Once all criteria are deleted, click the ‘Delete’ button for the rule you are viewing.
    Clicking the ‘Delete’ button
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