Providing Answers & Solutions to Questions About Salesforce®

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Salesforce admins and developers, project leaders, resource allocation leaders, and sales leaders need all of the help they can get. Passage Technology builds apps that extend the capabilities of Salesforce for them.

  • Using clicks not coding, Rollup Helper and Lookup Helper overcome various Salesforce limitations and unlocks insights in your data.
  • Being 100%-native to Salesforce, Milestones PM+ allows project management and resource allocation to reside alongside your data.
  • Storing more data than ever? Storage Helper can help manage this task and assist with GDPR compliance.
  • For boosting company performance, Prioritization Helper formalizes proper decision-making.

ASK PT: Submit your question

Do you have a pain point in these functional areas that needs solving? Ask PT*.

*We do want to hear from you and every submission will be read. However, there is no guarantee that your question will be answered or you will receive a response. We appreciate your feedback and hope Ask PT information is helpful!


Also, be sure to check out our App Use Case Libraries and KnowledgeBase Articles — we may have already addressed your concerns.

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