New Rollup Helper Feature & Milestones PM+ Settings!
Your feedback helps us as we continually strive to provide the best experience, features, and functionality for you.
Recently a customer suggested that it would be helpful to track how long Rollup Helper jobs take to process. We looked into the suggestion, and it resulted in a new feature!
Neil Mitchell-Goodson, an Information Systems Developer at, sent us the suggestion for adding Last Run Duration for Manual Runs. “I noticed how Rollup Helper gives you an estimated duration when you kick off a manual run, but in my experience it can be conservative. Therefore, knowing how long a manual run actually took can give you a better benchmark for execution expectations in future,” said Neil.
Thanks to Neil, the run duration for a rollup on the Last Manual Run History has been added and is now accessible on a rollup’s manual run page.
Another recent update for Milestones PM+, our popular project management app, was also a result of input from customers like you. Milestones PM+ customers asked for more flexibility and options with custom settings, and we delivered.
As a result, we added a new Milestones PM+ Granular Trigger Disablement setting, and a new First Day of Week setting to give you the custom project management user and project data management experience you need.
Your ideas make a difference. Do you have an idea to submit? Contact our Support team.