Risks and Issues in Project Management


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“Frequent use of standardized risk management practices” is a key driver of project success (Project Management Institute [PMI], 2023), yet one-third of users with risk management functionality in their PM software don’t use it (Capterra, 2021).

One of the 12 principles of project management, risks are “an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on one or more project objectives” (PMI, 2021). Negative risks (“threats”) may result in issues, “a current condition or situation that may have an impact on the project objectives.”

All projects have risks, since they are an aspect of uncertainty, “a lack of understanding and awareness of issues, events, paths to follow, or solutions to pursue,” (p. 122) so a risk response strategy needs to be decided on – whether a plan of action or acceptance of inaction, and project-based or organization-wide.

Milestones PM+ offers complete Salesforce project management, including risk documentation and issue log capabilities. Download the app free on the AppExchange and start driving towards project success with better risk management today!

Free Install: Milestones PM+
Log Project Risks and Issues with free Salesforce task management app Milestones PM+
Document project risks and issues in great detail with Milestones PM+


Capterra. (2021). Project Management User Survey. https://www.capterra.com/resources/project-management-software-user-research

Project Management Institute. (2021). The standard for project management and a guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® guide) (7th Edition). https://www.pmi.org/pmbok-guide-standards/foundational/pmbok

Project Management Institute. (2023). Pulse of the Profession® 2023. https://www.pmi.org/-/media/pmi/documents/public/pdf/learning/thought-leadership/pmi-pulse-of-the-profession-2023-report.pdf


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