Lookup Helper Release Notes v9.20



New Functionality

  •  Parent Filtering has been added to Lookup Helper
    • This allows adding additional criteria a parent has to match in order for Lookup Helper to use that parent record for that setting (e.g. Country = “US”)
    • Settings will keep their parent filter with them when exported/imported.
    • Parent filtering cannot be used if “Create New Category Records” is Enabled.

Usability Improvements

  • There is now a checkbox at the top of the “Active” column on the All Lookup Settings page that, when clicked, will enable/disable all Lookup Settings.
  • There is now a checkbox in the Lookup Helper App Settings custom setting that disables retrying records that encounter record lock errors when processing asynchronously.
  • Minor UI text and link updates.
  • The Asynchronous Error Merge job now checks if there is already a job in the apex queue before adding another one.
  • Added functionality to detect if an error caught by Lookup Helper was caused by another process and include that information in the logged error record.
  • We updated Lookup Helper to use API 50, allowing it to work with any new standard objects that have been added to Salesforce.

Bug Fixes

  • Clicking “Save and Run” on a lookup setting no longer causes the setting to be deactivated.
  • Fixed an issue where the scheduled icon would not display in some cases when a lookup setting is scheduled to run.
  • Fixed an “Argument 1 cannot be null” error that would occasionally occur during batch processing.
  • Fixed a View State Error that could occur on the Lookup Helper Exceptions page if there are too many error records on one setting.
  • Fixed a few links that would break when clicked while using Lightning.
  • Fixed a Timeout error that would occur if a realtime trigger was disabled and had “force asynchronous processing” checked at the same time.
  • Fixed a rare issue where only 1 child record would be updated if a realtime run was triggered from updating multiple parent records at once. 
  • Fixed an issue where the “Last Occurred” field on errors would sometimes contain the first occurrence of the error instead of the last.
  • Fixed an issue where “Id” was sometimes being added to the end of field names erroneously. 
Lookup Helper Release Notes