Rollup Helper Release Notes v15.11



New Functionality:

  • Added column headers to the “Rollups To Be Exported” table on the Export Rollups page.
  • Added links to target and source records when previewing rollup results.
  • Added columns in the “Select Rollups for Export” table on the Export Rollups page.
  • Added “ends with” and  “does not end with” filter logic options when creating and editing filters.

Usability Improvements:

  • Right-clicking Edit, Enable Realtime, Schedule, Run, and Condition for any rollup on the All Settings page now opens up a new window with the correct page loaded.
  • Added a separate health check to explain that lookup skew cannot be calculated for ContentDocumentLink because it is a query restricted object.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue on the Health Check page where tooltip text would get cut off by the page footer.
  • Resolved issues where retry rollup jobs would encounter errors when processing exceptions with unspecified objects or deleted records.
  • Resolved an issue where duplicate object realtime settings were able to be created from the realtime enablement page.
  • Resolved an issue where a user would receive an internal service error when trying to manage the Retry Rollups scheduled job from Setup.
  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to export rollups along with an error message on the Export Rollups page saying that the Rollup Helper All Access permission set was not assigned to their user.
  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to save a preselected delimiter option for TXT rollups.
  • Resolved an issue where importing bulk rollups resulted in some filters not getting associated with rollups.

Known Issue:

Users may encounter a permission issue when accessing the run page, schedule job page, or trying to run rollups or save schedules.
    • “SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: rh2__RH_Job__c.rh2__ParentFilter__c”

If there are any issues with accessing Rollup Helper objects, fields, tabs for any users, these can easily be resolved by giving the user the Rollup Helper permission set.

This can be done as follows:
Setup > Manage Users > Users.
Click on the user full name and edit the Permission Set Assignments.
Then add "Rollup Helper - All Access." Save

Setup > Users > Users.
Click on the user full name and edit the Permission Set Assignments.
Then add "Rollup Helper - All Access." Save

Rollup Helper Release Notes
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