Lookup Helper Release Notes v9.1



IMPORTANT: Anyone upgrading from a version of Lookup Helper prior to 9.x needs to perform a 2-step upgrade by installing version 8.24.5 first, before installing the 9.x version. To get the installation links or assistance with this upgrade, please email support@passagetech.com. 

Usability Improvements

  • New User Interface when creating or editing settings. 
  • All Settings Page now includes an icon for scheduled settings in the “Run Mode” column.
  • When selecting “RecordTypeId” in the “Fields to populate” section for creating category records, users can now select the record type from a list instead of having to type in the id.
  • When a lookup setting runs and finds multiple records that match parent criteria, it will now log a low priority error.
  • Reduced the amount of CPU time Lookup Helper uses when running in real time.
  • Error records now have a field for the IDs of records that errors occur on. (If you don’t see it, the new “Related Record IDs” field may need to be added to the error layout.)
  • Added error message when attempting to create a setting for a lookup field that already has a setting populating it.
  • Added functionality to reduce record locks when batch processing.
  • Export Settings page now supports smaller screen sizes.

Bug Fixes

  • When creating a lookup field within Lookup Helper, the suggested child relationship name now uses the object's plural label instead of just adding ‘s’ to the singular name.
  • Fixed a bug where, on edit, the “Fields to Populate” section would sometimes not update.
  • Removed Sharing objects from the list of available child objects in Lookup Helper.
  • Fixed several small bugs relating to Lookup Helper’s New Setting page.
  • Fixed an error that would sometimes occur when changing the parent object on a Lookup Setting.
  • Fixed an issue where not all fields would be included when exporting Lookup Settings.
  • Fixed a bug resulting in a drastic reduction in apex cpu time usage.
  • Fixed an issue where realtime lookups may not run on contact insert.
Lookup Helper Release Notes