Rollup Helper Release Notes v16.3



New Functionality:

  • Added the ability to select rollups to group from the all rollups page, and the ability to search for rollups in the rollup group configuration.
  • Added an ability to create a new filter when cloning a rollup.
  • Added an ability to prevent appending values for TXT rollups if overwrite is disabled.
  • Introduced a new custom setting, “Usage % of Row Limits”, which controls how many query rows are obtained for child records when processing rollups. This setting helps prevent an issue where query row governor limits are hit when exception records need to be logged and the max amount of query rows are already consumed.
  • Added an ability to include commas in filter criteria.

Usability Improvements:

  • Added the Org name and Org ID to email alerts when exceptions are encountered.
  • Added health checks, info text, and notifications to the user on the all rollups page, select target field page, and health check page for inaccessible target fields. 
  • Added a custom setting to prevent automatic changes to the running user when the exception monitor is running.
  • Adjusted the links in the additional information section to navigate to the correct page with the lightning header displayed.
  • Added a health check to notify users of rollups with inaccessible source objects.
  • Added auto-deployment of remote site settings on the select target field page and the object specific deployment page.
  • Added the DML Failed Record IDs field to the default page layout for PS_Exception__c records.
  • Added an option to enable or disable Blank Overwrite for rollups with reference target fields.
  • Adjusted UI text in the preview rollups and rollup setting modals.
  • Clicking on the pencil icon for inline edits will now open up the text box to enter values. Also, the icon will change color when hovering over the inline edit text area.
  • Added a warning notification on the rollup run page which indicates whether a rollup has encountered an exception.
  • Added a loading icon whenever a user enters a search term for objects/fields and a page is loading results.
  • Added the ability to escape UTF-8 encoded characters when exporting rollups.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where default deployed objects did not have the correct buttons and text rendered.
  • Resolved an issue where errors were encountered when sending out batch completion notification emails.
  • Resolved an issue where users would not be able to select a target field if the target object had a large amount of fields.
  • Resolved an issue where parent filters were not updating matching records correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where preview rollups only showed results for one record if the preview record contained a duplicate name.
  • Resolved an issue where retry rollups would submit jobs for “Unspecified Object.”
  • Resolved an issue where the manage realtime button would display for non-triggerable source objects on the Rollup Run page.
  • Resolved an issue where a rollup would not be removed from a rollup group if it was not on the first paginated page of available rollups.
  • Resolved an issue where a “type cannot be cast to class” error would sometimes occur for rollups with formula source fields.
  • Resolved an issue where saving a rollup schedule would cause an error if the estimated time did not contain “hour” or “minute”.
  • Resolved an issue where New Line and Double New Line delimiters were able to be selected for target fields that did not support New Lines.
  • Resolved an issue with job pagination not working on the schedule management page.
  • Resolved an issue where clicking “Enable Realtime” on a Foreign Key rollup would direct the user to the incorrect object.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented filters to be saved within namespaces containing “__r”.
  • Resolved an issue where filters were unable to be saved for existing filters.
  • Resolved an issue when saving a job that had no matching parent records to run for.
  • Resolved an issue where selecting all rollups within a group to be active caused incorrect data to be formatted on the rollups.
  • Resolved an issue where saving a rollup schedule would not display an error message if the schedule was invalid.
  • Resolved an issue where the estimated run time for a rollup would not be displayed if there were no matching records for the rollup to run on.
  • Resolved an issue where changing the source object on a rollup would not update the source field correctly on the all settings page.
  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to create target fields if they first entered an incorrect field label and then changed it to a correct label.
  • Adjusted permissions and security settings to avoid users running into the known issue: 
    • “SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: rh2__RH_job__c.rh2__ParentFilter__c”
  • Resolved an issue where clicking save repeatedly on a rollup would cause multiple rollups to get created.

  • Resolved an issue that prevented rollups from saving when trying to select certain polymorphic foreign key source fields.

  • Resolved an issue where a foreign key multi-currency rollup would not retrieve a selected date field from the correct object and would fail to process.

  • Resolved an issue where the system audit fields for a rollup were incorrectly labeled.

  • Resolved an issue where previewing a rollup with the same target and source object would result in an error.
  • Resolved an issue where lead target rollups and scheduled rollups would sometimes encounter an ‘Unexpected token 2’ error when processing.
  • Resolved issues where the save button for a rollup would not render at the correct configuration step.
  • Resolved an issue where cloning a rollup for source objects not on the first paginated page resulted in errors when trying to change the source field or save the cloned rollup.
  • Resolved an issue where previewing rollups for objects without list views would produce an error.
  • Resolved an issue where manual runs with multiple sorts set would not rollup the correct value.
  • Resolved an issue in Government Cloud sandboxes where queue records would not get scheduled to run immediately.
  • Resolved an issue where the help text for a target field would stretch out the Select Target field page.
  • Resolved an issue when trying to deploy triggers for objects that end with ‘Exception’.
  • Resolved an issue where saving inline edit text with a different case would not save the changes.
  • Resolved an issue in multi-currency environments where running a rollup would cause an error for target objects that did not have the ‘CurrencyIsoCode’ field available.
  • Resolved an issue where the record scope monitor would cause errors for objects with very long names.
Rollup Helper Release Notes
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