Rollup Helper Release Notes v19.4
New Functionality:
- Added the ability to rollup the label of a picklist source field.
- Added a Filter Management page that allows users to view, edit, or delete all filters in an org. The page is available as a tab, or can be accessed from the All Rollups page.
- Added the ability to create automatic rollup groups. This feature can be used to create rollup groups by source object, target object, type, child filter, and parent filter. It will also automatically sort new rollups into matching rollup groups.
Usability Improvements:
- Integrated Knowledge Articles within various areas in the app to provide additional support and information.
- Added a "Child Exists?" setting for Checkbox rollups. This setting will rollup True if a child record exists for the parent object, without having to create an additional source field that is always true.
- Added additional info text about formula fields not triggering realtime in the About section when deploying triggers.
- Added the ability for Max, Min, and Mode rollups to use currency conversions automatically when needed.
- Added duplicate label handling when selecting fields or objects during Rollup Helper configuration. The API name will appear next to the label if it is a duplicate label.
- Added a warning message on the export page to remind users to assign the All Access permission set to their user before exporting rollups.
- Added error handling when accessing a filter and a field used in the filter had been deleted.
- Simplified the export process to only require clicking “Download” when on the Export Rollups page.
- Added warning messages when activating rollups and the org is near the free limit. Changing the color of the warning message displayed when the free limit of rollups is activated.
- Added an advanced configuration setting for Max/Min rollups that will override the default Max/Min sort during processing. This setting must be enabled if a Max/Min rollup needs multiple sorts or different sorts from a child filter.
- Rollups not run since criteria change and rollups not run since creation health checks will not appear if the rollup was run on a schedule.
- Added a Target Object column for the Schedule Management page. Added the ability to sort on any column.
- Adjusted the UI text for grandchild rollup selection.
- Added debugging information and an FAQ modal on the Rollup Queue page. Also added a Last Modified Date column to the queue table.
- Queue items that are stuck in “Processing” for over 1 day will now get flagged as potentially stuck on the Rollup Queue page.
- Added the ability to rollup PathOnClient and FileType fields on ContentVersion when ContentDocumentLink is the source object.
- Improved exception logging when nearing governor limits.
- Warnings for Max/Min rollups will now only render when configuring Max/Min rollups.
- Added the ability to search for rollups on the All Settings page.
- Added additional child query caching for compatible rollup types when running rollups in realtime.
- Added the ability for users to set the boolean logic of filters for created rollups within Apex tests. Example: ctx.setFilterBoolLogic(‘1 OR 2’)
- Added a check on an object being updateable in order to deploy a custom real-time trigger.
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved an issue where a CPU timeout occurred when trying to deploy a trigger for an object that had many existing rollups.
- Max and Min rollups will default to the correct sort order if they are associated with a child filter that does not have a sort order defined.
- Resolved an issue where a foreign key rollup with a filter would not update if the criteria no longer matched in a realtime run.
- Resolved an issue where inactive users could attempt to process rollups from leftover scheduled jobs.
- Resolved an issue where the boolean logic for foreign key queries would not get formatted correctly if they were not in ascending numeric order.
- Resolved an issue where null reference errors were logged when trying to log an exception from a delete realtime run.
- Resolved an issue where use case rollups were unable to be deployed after a sandbox refresh.
- Resolved an issue where too many query row exceptions would not get logged.
- Fixed a casing issue for “isdeleted” when creating a new filter.
- Resolved an issue where creating a new target field while configuring a grandchild rollup would not give the object to select the child and grandchild object.
- Resolved an issue where the pagination on the Queue Management page would not work for the last page.
- Resolved an issue where exceptions would sometimes get logged under “Unexpected Object.”
- Improved child query caching to prevent source fields from getting queried on different source objects.
- Resolved an issue where foreign key rollups using person account relationship fields would cause an error.
- Resolved an issue where grandchild rollups would encounter an error if they were run in realtime from batch apex.
- Resolved an issue where saving a rollup could encounter a “too many query rows” error.
- Resolved an issue where parent filters would not get applied correctly if rollups were split up when the amount of rollups was greater than the rollups per async request limit.
- Resolved an issue where rollup labels and descriptions would switch with other rollups when sorting and saving inline edits.
- Resolved an issue where sub filter criteria would not appear when previewing a filter.
- Resolved an issue where the "activate all" checkbox would not be rendered correctly if all filtered rollups or rollups within a group were active.
- Resolved an issue where “Invalid Field” exceptions would get generated if rollups with the same relationship field, but different source objects, were scheduled to run at the same time.
Watch this video to see the new 19.4 functionality in action!
Rollup Helper
Rollup Helper Release Notes |