Rollup Helper Release Notes v17.12



New Functionality:

  • Added the ability to do partial imports of rollups if any fail because of invalid target fields.
  • Added the ability to create relationship fields when selecting a source object.
  • Added the ability to prevent records of a specified source object type from being deleted if the deletion would cause a validation rule on a rollup's target object to fail.
  • Added the ability to reimport failed rollup imports from the health check page.
  • Added the ability to filter on polymorphic lookup fields. (Examples: Who.LastName, What.Subject, Owner.Title, etc.)
  • Added the ability to track field history on rollups via the PS_Rollup_Audit__c object.
  • Added the ability to make the last delimiter comma-and (“, and”)  for comma-separated text rollups. (Ex. “one, two, and three”)
  • Added the ability to roll up to picklist and multi-picklist target fields.
  • Added the ability for rollups with filters to skip “N” number of child records per parent. (Rollup second most recent date, third highest value, etc.)
  • Added the ability to enumerate text rollups. (Ex: “1) Smith, 2) Jones”)
  • Added the ability to rollup null for AVG/SUM rollups if there are no child records.
  • Added the ability to rollup from Base64 source field type fields.
  • Added the ability to enter custom user input when defining criteria for picklist fields.

Usability Improvements:

  • Adding the ability to edit an existing rollup if any field or object on the rollup is deleted or renamed.
  • Added help text about using cross-referenced parent object fields in a child filter to the help page and FAQ section.
  • Added FAQ section for situations where rollups take too long to process, along with suggestions to help speed up processing. 
  • Added references to rollup labels instead of names when rollups are mentioned on the health check page.
  • Clicking Retry or Delete on a Rollup Queue Item refreshes the table instead of the entire page.
  • Added the ability to ignore the health check to schedule the “Rollup Helper Record Scope Monitor” job.
  • Added warning text on the realtime enablement to remind users to check the “Allow Realtime Disablement” checkbox when disabling realtime on an object.
  • Added a link to the online Rollup Helper knowledge base in the FAQ and Help section.
  • Added more information about child and parent filters to the admin guide and FAQ section.
  • Added caching of currency rates when performing multi-currency rollups to prevent ”‘null reference” and “divide by 0”  errors.
  • Replaced all browser dependent modals with in-app modals.
  • Added icons for each button on the action menu for a rollup.
  • Removed an extra confirmation step when manually running a rollup.
  • Added improvements to foreign key rollups to prevent encountering governor limits when retrieving records.
  • Added error handling and a health check for rollups that run with an invalid filter.
  • Added a reminder near the save button on a rollup configuration to set field level security settings if new fields were created.
  • Added visibility to the “Allow Child Save If Parent Save Fails” setting on the realtime enablement page.
  • Added improvements to the export rollups page to prevent CPU timeout issues.
  • Added icons for each action displayed in the action menu dropdown for a rollup.
  • Removed the confirmation modal when clicking to run a rollup on the run page.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where editing a rollup would result in a null reference error for certain objects.
  • Resolved an issue when trying to convert rollups and there were missing fields on a DLRS setting.
  • Resolved an issue with “Insufficient Privileges” errors appearing when certain Identity Verification settings were set.
  • Resolved an issue where duplicate triggers on the same object would show an incorrect realtime status if one of them was inactive.
  • Made adjustments to scheduling exception monitor jobs to prevent the error: "Job object is locked and currently processing.”
  • Resolved an issue where realtime updates did not occur if the object passed in by the trigger was a different case than the API of the object.
  • Resolved an issue where changing the source field on a rollup would revert the advanced configuration settings already set. 
  • Resolved an issue where only one filter would appear from the dropdown list if there were duplicate filters with the same name.
  • Resolved an issue where editing a rollup would cause a null reference error if the API name of a field had its case changed.
  • Previewing a rollup with a filter that has a limit set to below 5 will now return the correct number of source records displayed.
  • Resolved an issue where premium users would have their rollup deactivated during realtime runs.
  • Resolved an issue where asynchronous jobs would fire too late and cause schedule errors.
  • Resolved an “unexpected token AND” error when rollups would run with filters that had “OR” in the boolean logic.
  • Resolved an issue where the dropdown action menu would duplicate on page scroll.
  • Added error handling when running a rollup and a filter with missing data is encountered.
Rollup Helper Release Notes