Thompson Pump Gets Around Rollup Limitations & Simplifies Reporting with Rollup Helper

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Headquartered in Port Orange, FL, Thompson Pump is known for manufacturing heavy-duty pumps for construction, public works, water, mining, and wastewater projects.

Thompson pumps stand up to some of the toughest challenges and harshest environments around, and their products are available through a vast network of domestic and international distributors.

Searching for a Text Rollup Solution

Glen Huckins, who is the Aftermarket/CRM Manager at Thompson Pump, said they chose Rollup Helper from Passage Technology because they needed a way to do text rollups. “I researched on AppExchange for the ability to do this and Rollup Helper had good reviews and the capability we needed. So I used the free version (3 rollups) and it worked well, and when we needed more I went with the paid solution,” he explained.

“We use it for all rollups now even though Salesforce is capable of averages, sums, and counts,” said Glen. Although you can do count, sum, min, and max rollups and create filters to limit which rollups fire with a native rollup, you can't include cross-object formula fields in rollup summary filters. Plus there’s a limit of 25 rollups per object. 

With Rollup Helper, you can create more than 25 types of rollups, including Advanced Currency Management, unique count, checkbox, and text.

Using Rollup Helper with Custom Objects and Running Reports for Multiple Departments

Rollup Helper also works with custom objects, as well as objects from other apps. Glen said, “A specific use case is for Return Good Authorizations (RGAs) and the child object of RGA lines. We roll-up the text from each line into one field on the RGA object.”

Whether your data is in a standard or custom object, or is part of an AppExchange application, users can find relevant information in one spot. “This keeps my rollups in a single location for ease of administration,” he added.

“The ability to schedule rollups has enabled us to run our morning GEMBA reports without manually running specific rollups that need to run without a field change triggering them,” said Glen.

“All results have been positive and those departments that count on these reports have been fully satisfied,” he concluded.

Learn more about Rollup Helper 

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