Brightening the Holidays for Hospitalized Kids with Handmade Cards



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This year, Passage Technology expanded its Giving Tuesday Pledge 1% commitment to include giving time by making cards for kids who will be hospitalized over the holidays. 


Holiday Cards for Kids

Cards for Hospitalized Kids is a Chicago based organization that sends cards to children's hospitals in all 50 states, including Ronald McDonald Houses (RMHs) nationwide. An internationally recognized charitable organization, Cards for Hospitalized Kids spreads hope, joy, and magic to hospitalized kids across America through uplifting, handmade cards.

When Jen Rubino was 11 years old recovering from surgery in the hospital, a card from a stranger arrived for her. The gift of this thoughtful card inspired Rubino to reach out to other hospitalized children.

In an article written by Amanda Marrazzo for the Chicago Tribune, Jen, who is now an adult, shared her story. “I was in ICU going through a really hard time and was in a lot of pain after the surgery. I was not doing too well. Then, I received a card from a hospital volunteer. It meant so much to me,” said Jen.

After that experience, Jen and her friends began making cards for children in local hospitals, and she started the Cards for Hospitalized Kids organization. The nonprofit’s website reports that they have sent cards to over 14,000 kids in 150 hospitals and Ronald McDonald Houses in the United States. During the holidays, they send 3,000 cards to hospitalized kids.

Volunteering and participating in events like Giving Tuesday is a great way to help others, and it’s also a great way to practice gratitude. Practicing gratitude also has health benefits. Psychology Today reports, “Feeling grateful boosts happiness and fosters both physical and psychological health.”

On Giving Tuesday and all year long, Passage Technology is proud to support Pledge 1%, which is an organization that makes it easy for companies to donate 1% of their staff time, product, profit, and/or equity to charity. To learn more, visit the Pledge 1% website.


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