Passage Technology Blog

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A Month of Volunteering: How We're Expanding Our Pledge 1% Commitment


Sometimes making a difference makes all the difference, and we're striving to make an impact for our communities. This year, we expanded our Pledge 1% commitment to encompass volunteering in our local communities, as well as making cards for kids who will be hospitalized. 


Rollup Helper Becomes the 10 Millionth AppExchange Install


Back in 2008, Jerry Reid and Brent Gossett couldn’t possibly imagine their app would eventually be the 10 millionth install on the Salesforce AppExchange. They were just trying to provide a solution for a client’s use of Salesforce.

Rollup Helper would later become one of the AppExchange’s most popular apps, installed into more than 60,000 orgs and counting. So when they recently learned their app was the 10 millionth install, it was totally unexpected, but not completely surprising given its universal popularity. (Check out our 10 Million Celebration Page)

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