Three Customers Share Their Success Stories



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Expanding Innovation, Deepening Data Insights, and Taking Projects to the Next Level

Sometimes the best way to find out what our apps can do is to hear from those who use them everyday — customers like you.

We are constantly amazed by the creative ways customers use our apps to overcome challenges and maximize their efficiency. Read the stories below to see how our customers are using Passage Technology’s Salesforce® apps to expand their innovation, deepen their data insights, and take their projects to the next level.

Ohio Department of Development Gives Developers Time Back in Their Day

The Ohio Department of Development works to enrich communities and support economic opportunities throughout Ohio. To help achieve their goals, the Department of Development needed access to their data in real time.

“We desperately needed a solution to calculate a rollup summary on Objects where we cannot use rollup summary fields,” explained Janet Mashkovskiy, who is a business process analyst for the Ohio Office of Information Technology.

They discovered Rollup Helper, and it has streamlined their work by eliminating the need to write code to calculate rollup summary fields. Read the full story: Saying Good-bye to Code & Hello to Rollup Summary Fields in Real-time.

Milestones PM+ Helps the Healthier Kids Foundation Focus on Their Mission

As their organization grew, the Healthier Kids Foundation saw a need for a more structured approach for project management. The team was using emails, Word documents, spreadsheets, and Outlook Calendars to manage projects, but they weren’t able to track how much work was coming in or who was doing the work. 

Healthier Kids needed a solution that was integrated with Salesforce®, so they chose Milestones PM+ to help them organize projects. “When I first started, if someone had done a report, there was no record of it. There was no way to track when it was created or what the parameters were. The organization was swamped constantly with new programs. So this eliminated that chaos and brought us a source of communication on who is requesting the work and what they’re requesting,” explains the organization’s Chief of Staff, VP Information Systems and Quality, Bob Hansen. Read the full story: Milestones PM+ Helps the Healthier Kids Foundation Manage Projects and Focus on Their Mission.

Rollup Helper & Lookup Helper Empower Rare Karma to Overcome Limitations

After Rare Karma had successfully used Rollup Helper for Child Accounts and Parent Accounts, they decided to explore using Lookup Helper. Their team needed a way to relate two Custom Objects that are related to an Account, but they couldn't find a way to do it without code.

I realized that I needed a complex lookup field, and when the standard Salesforce custom fields weren't of help, I decided Lookup Helper would be worth a shot. The matching needed to be done based on the Record Type, Account, as well as Month/Year,” said Rare Karma Software Developer, Alicia Muth.

Prior to this, the Rare Karma team had tried using Flows, Lookup Fields, and Master-Detail Relationships, but none of these solutions fit their needs. Alicia adds, “It was difficult because of the multiple variables. It seemed we might have to do things manually or return to code.” Read the full story: Rollup Helper & Lookup Helper Empower Rare Karma to Achieve Goals Without Code.

How are you using Passage Technology’s apps and services to do more with your data, manage projects, or overcome Salesforce limitations? We’d love to hear from you!  Share your story.


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