Ask PT About Using Salesforce to Onboard Customers



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Dear PT, 

At our company, we are looking to improve and streamline our customer onboarding process. We sell a number of products and services, and each has a repetitive process to properly deliver and onboard. Usually, we clone a number of Salesforce® Projects, and then make the changes necessary for that customer and purchase. As we’ve seen, this process is sometimes prone to errors and omissions. How can we make improvements?

Gus Towmer in Welcome, ON, Canada

Dear Gus,

It is important to have a seamless onboarding experience for your customers. And to do that, you have to make it seamless for all of your company’s resources and stakeholders. Milestones PM+ is a project management app 100%-native to Salesforce, and with it you can automate your entire onboarding structure for all types of customers, products, and services. The key is setting up Project templates for every situation, which are then initiated by the Closed Won Opportunity. 

All Project templates have Milestones and Tasks, allocated and assigned to the appropriate resources for completion. Notifications and emails are triggered. Resources, risks, and issues are tracked throughout. And all of the Project templates for a customer are rolled up to a single Program. With Milestones PM+, onboarding is completely customized and automated with a real-time view of progress.

Learn how to improve customer success with more efficient onboarding




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