Passage Technology Blog

Filtered by activity-monitoring

Ask PT About Uncovering Data in Salesforce to Prevent Customer Churn


Dear PT, 

At our company, we view a retained dollar of revenue to be just as valuable as a new dollar. Even more so when you consider an unretained dollar needs to be replaced with a new dollar just to maintain flat revenue, which then hampers growth. So. . . how can we prevent churn and increase our retention rate along with cross- and upselling? Is there a data solution that identifies troubling signs early on when they can be corrected?

Lapser Chase from Retaine, Ireland

Ask PT About Using Salesforce to Onboard New Employees


Dear PT, 

In this competitive job market, with turnover increasing, productivity is a challenge. We need to get new employees at our company onboarded and up-to-speed as soon as possible.  We have a number of separate processes in place within Salesforce® for both compliance and training. How might we take a more comprehensive approach to get better outcomes?

M. Ployer in Train, Germany

Ask PT About Comparing Year-Over-Year Revenue to Date in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

Comparisons can be an important factor in forecasting. At our company, we’d like to compare this partial year’s revenue Opportunity total for an Account to the same time period in the previous year. Are we going up, down, or flat? Salesforce® doesn't do this out of the box. Can Rollup Helper help us?

Totul Todayt from Trend, Denmark

Ask PT About Using Salesforce to Onboard Customers


Dear PT, 

At our company, we are looking to improve and streamline our customer onboarding process. We sell a number of products and services, and each has a repetitive process to properly deliver and onboard. Usually, we clone a number of Salesforce® Projects, and then make the changes necessary for that customer and purchase. As we’ve seen, this process is sometimes prone to errors and omissions. How can we make improvements?

Gus Towmer in Welcome, ON, Canada

Ask PT About Salesforce's “Last Activity” Field


Dear PT, 

At our company, we are having difficulties leveraging the default configuration for the Last Activity field in our Salesforce® org. We are looking for a convenient and efficient way for RevOps team members to know what happened in our last contact with a customer, but it’s difficult since activities are split into both Tasks and Events. And it would be nice if we didn’t have to spend time on coding and ongoing maintenance to achieve this. Can you help?

C. Last in NOLA

Ask PT About Using Automation to Assign Leads to Accounts in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

Like many Salesforce® users, we have to manually assign Leads to their related Account. Of course, this opens up the potential for errors. It would be nice if we could automate this process and then notify the correct salesperson about the new Lead. Any thoughts on how we could easily do this?

Dom Main from Lincoln, NE

Ask PT About Managing Date Shifting for Projects in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

We use Salesforce® at our company, but we manage projects outside of Salesforce. This creates numerous challenges, and never more than when an established project plan has dates and deadlines that must be adjusted. Obviously, there is a ripple effect on the project, and most project planning software can handle that. However, when it comes to the associated projects and tasks that also reside in Salesforce, extra work is required, and it can be subject to error.  What can we do about this?

Ty M. Schiff in Gantt, AL

Ask PT About Viewing Open Cases on Salesforce Contact or Account Level


Dear PT, 

Salesforce® functionality will let you view open Cases within your org. However, sometimes there are situations where it would be useful to view this information on a more granular level, for specific Contacts or Accounts. How could our company set up this at-a-glance list view, which also has filters for priority and status?

O. Pennliste from Caseville, MI

Ask PT About Prioritizing Salesforce Open Cases Based on Open Tasks


Dear PT, 

Is there an easy way to show how many Tasks are left to be completed in an open Salesforce® Case? This would help us to manage resources better and ultimately be more productive as an organization. It also might prevent us from closing a Case before it’s truly complete.

O. Penntask from the OC

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