Managing Customer Data Storage to Meet Compliance Requirements



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Many organizations are striving to be more customer-centric in their approach, and with that comes an increased focus on building and reinforcing trust with customers.


An important part of being a customer-centric organization and building trust is managing customer data responsibly. In fact, Salesforce® reports, “84% of consumers are more loyal to companies that have strong security controls.” But building trust and connecting with customers can get complicated when it comes to compliance. 

There are many factors that can impact how you manage consumer data preferences. For example, are you required to be compliant with the European Union law on data protection and privacy (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) or The California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)? 

Managing customer data compliance is complex, and when your data is non-compliant, it can also be extremely expensive. “Organizations lose an average of $5.87 Million in revenue due to a single non-compliance event. GDPR fines start at $11 million or 2% of a company's annual revenue for corporate abuses and disclosure of user information,” the article The True Cost of Non-Compliance explains.

Salesforce provides an Individual object so you can keep track of an individual’s data privacy preferences. This can be helpful when managing data for The Right to be Forgotten, which applies when customers no longer want data about them retained. Customizing and using the Individual object will help you respect your customers' wishes on how their data is used, stored, or deleted. 

How to Easily and Safely Mass Delete Records Tied to an Individual

Our Storage Helper app allows you to define deletion criteria and preview records before you safely delete them. 

Another benefit of ensuring that your data is compliant is the chance to save on Salesforce data storage costs when you delete data. To learn more, read our blog post GDPR and Using the Salesforce Individual Object, which provides a more detailed overview of this topic.
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