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How are the rollups run?

Rollups can be run on-demand (manually via the "Run" function), on a schedule, or in real-time.

What do I get for free with Rollup Helper Free Edition?

In the free version, you get three active rollups that can be run on a schedule, manually, or run in real-time. View a full list of Rollup Helper Free Edition features.

Does Rollup Helper Free Edition have real-time capability?

Yes, it does!

Does Rollup Helper work with Professional Edition Salesforce® orgs?

Yes. Rollup Helper can be installed in the following Salesforce® Editions: Group, Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Force.com, Developer and Performance. For Professional Edition Salesforce® orgs and lower, some features of the application rely on Application Programming Interface (API) and may be limited due to Salesforce® restrictions on the type of org. Examples of this include using real-time triggers that are not part of the managed package or creating a new field from within the app. Any triggers that come included with the managed package can be used in Professional Edition and lower orgs. We do have trigger extension packages available for most standard objects, and alternatives are available for real time enablement on custom objects. We are happy to assist with your setup if you need assistance with trigger or field creation. Contact us for full information on features and functionality that are affected and what workarounds can be used.

How do I know if there are any problems with my rollups?

You can use the Rollup Helper Health Check page to see the current Rollup Helper status. The Health Check will list any issues found along with a risk level, issue summary, and any recommended actions. To access Rollup Helper Health Check, go to the Rollup Helper tab and click “View Health Check.”

Should I be concerned about Rollup Helper consuming Salesforce® resources or reaching the governor limits?

No. You can configure Rollup Helper to the unique resource constraints facing your Salesforce® operating environment. We have engineered an asynchronous mode to Rollup Helper which is a great tool to overcoming any governor limits you may be running into. Furthermore, all your data is processed natively on the Salesforce® platform, so we are not consuming any API limits.

Are there any "per user" fees associated with Rollup Helper Premium or Starter Editions?

No. Rollup Helper Premium Edition features unlimited users, and you do not pay any additional fee for each individual user.

I deploy Apex code into production. Will Rollup Helper interfere with this process?

No. Rollup Helper code runs in its own namespace like other managed apps. Managed apps have their own code coverage requirement and all unit tests within a package must successfully pass in a development org before the package may be created. We recommend that you run all your unit tests with the "RunAllTests = false" attribute if you are using Rollup Helper, as this is the Salesforce® default. This default setting will prevent any local discrepancies (e.g. custom required fields, validation rules) from impacting your code deployments as our unit tests will fail if you have custom required fields, validation rules, etc. As long as you have the "RunAllTests = false" attribute set, you can deploy your Apex code as normal. Changing to "RunAllTests = true" will not cause Rollup Helper install or performance issues. Here is an official statement from Salesforce® on this topic:

  • Managed package code is not included in the required code coverage calculation for deployment. The 75% requirement is on all Apex code in your org's namespace. Managed code has its own namespace, so it is not included.
  • When deploying to production, all tests in your org's namespace will be run. Managed tests will not be run by default.
  • If the deployment package explicitly marks runAllTests to true, managed tests will also run. These will need to execute without any failures should the flag be set. Despite this, the 75% requirement for code coverage is still only on unmanaged code.

If for some reason you are concerned with setting "RunAllTests = false," we guarantee that Rollup Helper will still function correctly.

If I purchase Rollup Helper Premium or Starter Edition and my license expires or lapses, what happens?

If you have more than three active rollups, you will need to select which three you would like to keep active.

What is your release process?

See Feature Release Process.

Can you roll-up information from a child Rollup Summary field to the Parent Account?

Yes! Unlike Rollup Summary Fields in Salesforce®, Rollup Helper is able to perform Hierarchy rollups.

Can Rollup Helper roll-up information from Contacts to Accounts?

Yes! Since Rollup Helper uses normal Custom Fields instead of Rollup Summary fields, the rollup can be configured easily without using custom code or triggers.

Does Rollup Helper have targeted or parent filter functionality?

Yes! You can now choose which records your rollup runs will process for.

Is it possible to rollup information obtained from another rollup?

Yes! You can do this. For example, if objects A -> B -> C are related, and there’s a rollup of information from A -> B stored in a field on B, then another rollup can be used from B -> C that rolls up the results from the field B to a field on C. You could also create grandchild rollups to go across three levels of records within the same object for example rolling up information from a grandchild Account, to parent Account, up to the grandparent Account.

What if I have reached my limit for creating Rollup summary fields in Salesforce®? Can I still use Rollup Helper?

Yes! The normal Custom Fields populated by Rollup Helper do not count against your Rollup Summary Field limits.

What is the Unable to Lock Row error?

The error, “UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record,” is usually caused by one of three things:

  1. A user editing a record that is being edited by an asynchronous Rollup Helper job
  2. Rollup Helper asynchronous jobs attempting to lock the same record
  3. Multiple jobs trying to modify the Validation Helper setting

Some troubleshooting steps could include lowering record scope or disabling “Enable Validation Rule Helper” in Rollup Helper Custom Settings. Contact us for additional assistance.

What is the Field Filter Validation Exception error?

“FIELD_FILTER_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION: Value does not exist or does not match filter criteria”

(Please note: this error isn't a validation exception and cannot be overridden with validation helper; it's setup as a lookup field filter, not a validation rule.)

This error is most frequently caused by lookup filters which will need to be (1) manually corrected, (2) removed, or (3) set to optional. If the error message isn't descriptive enough, make sure the value in the field adheres to the rule; find the filter criteria when editing the field under the object manager from setup.

Do I need to be familiar with SOQL to create filtered rollups?

Nope! Creating custom filters in Rollup Helper is simple and does not require any knowledge of SOQL.

What security do I have with Rollup Helper and Passage Technology?

See answers to our frequently asked security and data processing questions.

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