Salesforce Admin Tips, Tools & How-to-Guides from Passage Technology

At Passage Technology, our goal is to help you do more with Salesforce. We understand that the journey to becoming an Awesome Salesforce Admin can be a big undertaking as orgs become more customized and complex.
Following is a collection of tips, tools, and shortcuts from our team that will help you and your users get the most out of your Salesforce.
Tips and Tools
Assigning and unassigning permission sets
Do you have a lot of Permission Sets that need to be assigned or unassigned to users? Instead of handling one Permission Set at a time, you can assign users a single Permission Set Group. This makes it easier to manage multiple Permission Sets that a user needs, and also saves a lot of wasted time managing individual Permission Sets. Combine selected Permission Sets into a Group, and simply assign the Permission Set Group to provide all the permissions that users need for their job. -Alan Wojciechowski, Passage Technology
Searching non-lookup fields in a Lightning list view
Did you know you can search for any non-lookup field in a Lightning list view regardless if it's displayed? Forget your contact's name but know their job title? Just type it in the search bar and your contact is sure to be found. -Scottie Finch, Passage Technology
Browser extensions that provide quality of life improvements
Did you know that browser extensions can provide quality of life improvements? For instance—Vimium, available in variations for almost all major browsers—can save you from aiming and clicking on small checkboxes when you’re configuring orgs. There are also extensions that can show field API names, allow logging in as multiple users to debug permission issues, and many more. -John Zhao, Passage Technology
Finding great info using forums is a very valuable resource. Oftentimes if I don't know how to achieve something, someone has already asked about it on the forums, or it's easy to find documentation on the topic. -Shawn Hepker, Passage Technology
How-to-Guides and Workarounds
Easily Customize Salesforce Mobile App Menu Navigation
The latest version of Milestones PM+ has been optimized for the new Salesforce mobile app experience, allowing users to access project and task management on the go.
Can’t Create A Quote From An Opportunity In Lightning Using New Quote Button?
Here's a solution for a challenge that many people have experienced with Quotes in Salesforce.
GDPR And Using The Salesforce Individual Object
Salesforce has implemented an Individual object to help you keep track of an individual’s data privacy preferences, which can be used for compliance with GDPR or other privacy protection laws. Customizing and using the Individual object according to your business will help you on your journey to honor your customer’s wishes regarding how their data is stored and used.
In Salesforce, many businesses have a need to see aggregated data from child records on a parent record. For example, to show the sum or average of closed won Opportunities on a Custom Object, like Industry. There may also be a need to choose the first or last child record, and from that selection, display a key piece of text, such as the first Campaign that triggered a response at an Account.
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