Non-Profit Donations by Company


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You want to be able to run a report to see what Accounts donated, and what its individual Employees donated, separately or together.


This is going to be a two part rollup: Rollup Opportunities to Contacts. Then, rollup Contact amounts up to Account. 

First, create a custom Currency field on Contacts. It can be named something like Total_Closed_Won_Opportunities__c. Then create a currency field on Account called Total_Closed_Won_Opportunities_from_Contacts__c. 

  • Create a rollup in Rollup Helper that totals the amount of closed won Opportunities on a Contact.
    • Select Contact as the Target object
    • Select the new Total_Closed_Won_Opportunities__c as the Target field
    • Select Opportunity as the Source object
    • Use the default relationship field Contact ID
    • Select Sum as the Rollup Type
    • Select Amount as the Source field
    • Create a filter where Stage equals Closed Won Opportunities
  • Create another rollup to sum the Opportunities from Contact to Account.
    • Select Account as the Target object
    • Select the new Total_Closed_Won_Opportunities_from_Contacts__c as the Target field
    • Select Contact as the Source object
    • Use the default relationship field Account ID
    • Select Sum as the Rollup Type
    • Select Total_Closed_Won_Opportunities__c as the Source field

If you want a total of both Contact and Account donations, then create a formula field on the Account level called Total_Account_Closed_Won_Opportunities. You would add Total_Closed_Won_Opportunities_from_Contacts__c with the field that holds your Account-only donations.

With all of your donation information in one place, it makes it easier to talk with your donors while knowing the whole picture.

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Number of Email Tasks under a Contact Rollup Helper Use Case Library Most Recent Opportunity Close Date