Streamline Sales Pipeline

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Problem - Opportunities can get clogged up and confusing when multiple contractors are bidding on the same project, such as a new construction site.

The Sales team wants to accurately forecast their pipeline, but it's difficult when multiple Opportunities all share the same name and inflate projected sales.

Solution - Create a new object and rollup field to count only the highest Quote amount

To prevent Opportunity pipelines from getting congested from multiple bids:

Step 1: Create a new "Bid Spec" Object

Step 2: Use Lookup Helper to automatically link all Opportunities for the same bid to a Bid Spec Record. Opportunity would be the child object under the Bid Spec Record. You will also want to relate the new Bid Spec Record with Lookup Helper to be a child under the Account that the Opportunities are under.

Step 3: Use Rollup Helper to rollup the Opportunity with the highest amount to the Bid spec record. You can then view this record from the Account to see the highest bid at a glance for each job.

Step 4: You can repeat this process for the Quote object: relate all Quotes to their respective Bid Spec, rollup the large quote to the Bid Spec, and view the Bid Spec records from the Account.

Now the sales team can see an accurate pipeline in a matter of seconds!


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Creating Grandchild Rollups Rollup Helper Use Case Library Rolling Up Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (Pardot) Activity
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