USE CASE: Calculating the Number of Lost Opportunities for Accounts


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How do you calculate the amount of lost Opportunities on each Account record?


Quickly deploy one of Rollup Helper pre-built rollups named, "Number of Lost Opportunities." The Number of Lost Opportunities use case calculates the amount of lost Opportunities for each Account record. This use case deploys one Rollup Helper setting and one field, "rhuc_Number_Of_Lost_Opportunities."

Once logged into your Salesforce organization click on the App Launcher or All Tabs and search for "Rollup Helper." Click on the "Browse Use Cases" tile and click Deploy next to the Number of Lost Opportunities label:

Browse Use Cases Tile

Number of Lost Opportunities

  • Click on the "Deploy Number of Lost Opportunities Field" button
    Number of Lost Opportunities deploy field
  • The Number of Lost Opportunities field will be deployed.
    • Please Note: Field Level Security will not be automatically set when creating fields through Rollup Helper, and the field will not automatically be added to page layouts. Please ensure that the newly created field is added to all desired layouts and permission sets once the rollup creation process has concluded.
  • Then click on the "Deploy and Run Number of Lost Opportunities Setting" button
    Number of Lost Opportunities deploy setting
  • Finally, click on the "Start Rollup Run" button
    Number of Lost Opportunities run rollup

You will also be able to view and edit the deployed rollup via the All Rollups page.

Now Sales Managers can see if there are training opportunities for reps when an Account has shown interest but did not end up buying.

USE CASE: Calculating the Number of Calls for a Contact in Salesforce Rollup Helper Use Case Library Number of Open Cases on an Account