Tracking Open Cases on Accounts and Contacts


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Problem: As a Customer Service Representative or Support Agent, I want to be able to quickly see a prioritized list of open Cases on an Account or Contact.

Solution: First, create a couple of lookup fields on Case. Then create 2 Lookup Helper Settings, each using the same child filter.


  1. Create two Lookup Relationship fields on Case
    1. Account
    2. Contact

Lookup Helper Settings

  1. Lookup for Account
    1. Select Child Object:  Case
    2. Select Lookup Field: Click select next to the lookup relationship field to Account we created in the prior step.
    3. Select child field on Case: Account ID (Account)
    4. Select parent field on Account: Account ID
    5. Create the child filter.
      1. Next to Select Child Filter, click Add Child Filter to create a new child filter.
      2. Choose ‘Status’ in the ‘Field to Match’ select list.
      3. Choose ‘Not Equal To’ in the Operator select list.
      4. Choose ‘Closed’ in the Criteria select list.
      5. Click Submit to save the filter criteria.
      6. Click Save to save the child filter.
    6. Create a Setting Name, optional but recommended
    7. Save and Run Setting
  2. Lookup for Contact
    1. Select Child Object:  Case
    2. Select Lookup Field: Click select next to the lookup relationship field to Contact we created in the prior step.
    3. Select child field on Case: Contact ID (Contact)
    4. Select parent field on Contact: Contact ID
    5. Assign the child filter.
      1. Select the child filter we created while creating the Lookup Helper Setting for Account in the previous step, since filters can be reused.
    6. Create a Setting Name, optional but recommended
    7. Save and Run Setting

Is deleted = false, status = closed

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