USE CASE: Deleting Old Chatter Follows to Stay Under Salesforce Limits


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There is a limit of 500 Chatter objects you can follow, as shown in this 12+ year old Salesforce idea submission.


Chatter follows are an Object type called "Entity Subscription," which can be deleted like any other Object via a Storage Helper rule.

For our example, we will get rid of any Chatter follows that are over a year old, but you may substitute with your own criteria. 

  • Create a New Storage Recycle Job
    • Give the job a meaningful name: Get rid of Chatter follows
    • Object: Entity Subscription
    • Notes: Enter a description of the job.
      • Unfollow chatter posts that are older than a year ago
    • Create Filter Criteria
      • Created Date>greater than>Number of Days ago>365
    • Save
    • Backup Mode
      • Select a backup mode to create a .csv file of the records that will be deleted.
    • Storage Recycle Job Activation
      • Recommended: Keep Inactive until records are previewed to verify the correct criteria have been defined.
    • Preview Records
      • From the Detail tab, select Preview Records to verify your criteria.
  • Once you are satisfied that the criteria is correctly defined, from the Detail tab, use the check box to Activate the setting.
  • Run
    • Use the Run button to run the Storage Recycle Job.

    • If this is the first time you are using Storage Helper, use the Gear Icon to Change Run Mode if you would like to schedule the job to run. Please note that the schedule will apply to all Storage Recycle Jobs.

Keep It Clean: Mass Delete Old Synced Tasks in Your Salesforce Org Storage Helper Use Case Library
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