Business Process Automation for Salesforce Projects

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Automating business processes is a huge time saver for employees and reduces the chance for errors, such as an overlooked approval or missed step in a long path to completion. With Milestones PM+ being 100% Salesforce-native, meaning it’s built specifically on and for the platform, the app can seamlessly integrate into your org to utilize the interface and functions of Salesforce that you’re familiar with; this includes Workflow, Process Builder, and Flow Builder for workflow rules, processes, and flows respectively. Project templates and record types inside Milestones PM+ can be used with Salesforce automation tools to create projects easily from any object based on any action.

  • Closed/Won Opportunity Customer Projects for Sales Cloud (with different templates for new, existing, returning Accounts)
  • Case Closed with Solution Project for Service Cloud (with templates for various Solution record types or other resolution classification)
  • Weekly Check-List Project for Marketing Cloud
  • Projects based on Orders, Products, and any other object (standard, like Quote, or custom), tailored to any data type and field from the simple to complex.

Need help getting started or just want the job done? Milestones PM+ Starter Packs offer a selection of Salesforce project management solutions including customized templates and project creation trigger using Salesforce automation tools (Workflow, Process Builder, Flow Builder) – perfect for a worry-free setup to any business process. Milestones PM+ has tons of support and on-demand training materials, too, so download the app free on the AppExchange today.

Note: Process Builder and Workflow Rule changes in this Salesforce announcement.

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Date Shifting Project Start/Finish while Keeping Duration Milestones PM+ Use Case Library Setting up Revenue Cloud (Salesforce CPQ, Billing)
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