Passage Technology News and Updates – 2021 Winter Edition


Free Salesforce business guides to help admins/developers, project managers, sales managers, and decision makers. Download the free PDF series now: Reinventing Your Business, Reimagining Your Salesforce®.

This issue features stories on how you can do more with Passage Technology's Apps and Salesforce.

Expanding Functionality

We’re excited to share the expanded capabilities of Data Analysis Helper with you.

Data Analysis Helper has released a new analytic pack, Account Performance Intelligence. Joining the lineup with Sales Performance Intelligence and Territory & Segmentation Intelligence, this third pack broadens the app’s functionality. Prioritization Helper and Lookup Helper also have feature updates. Get all the details in the App Updates section.

Milestones PM+ for remote project management

Making the Transition From Suits to Sweats

If you’ve been facing challenges with onboarding employees remotely, you’re not alone. A recent survey found that 14% of companies have hired more employees in response to COVID-19, creating an increased need for remote employee onboarding resources and tools. Get information about tips and a tool for onboarding your new employees remotely.

Read the article: Milestones PM+ Helps With Onboarding Success For Remote Employees


App News & Updates

Lookup Helper Usability Enhancements

A few enhancements for usability were added, which included adding a custom setting to allow Lookup Helper to update converted leads if desired. See Lookup Helper Release Notes V9.14 and V9.12 to learn more.

About Lookup Helper

Lookup Helper gives you better visibility and insights to your Salesforce data by automatically relating records. For standard and custom objects, it allows you to organize your data by geographic location, time-frame, industry, or any other data category.

Prioritization Helper Updates

New functionality updates include an Apex calculation method for Value Scoring, which includes trigger deployment, batch job, and real time updates. This functionality helps overcome the formula field limit. Check out the Prioritization Helper Release Notes V3.07 for more information.

About Prioritization Helper

When it comes to decision making, obstacles can get in the way of rational reasoning. Prioritization Helper is a tool to help enable your critical business decisions. Using Pairwise Comparisons, Prioritization Helper facilitates decision making via the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to reduce cognitive biases. Prioritization Helper empowers teams to reach a consensus, or prioritize their objectives in order of importance while understanding how a decision was made.

Milestones PM+ for Public Transportation Projects

Featured Customer Story

See how a public transportation agency with nine million riders uses Milestones PM+ to streamline projects and increase efficiency.

Want to see your company’s success story in the spotlight?

Passage Technology’s Awesome Admin Tip of the Month

“Do you have a lot of Permission Sets that need to be assigned or unassigned to users? Instead of handling one Permission Set at a time, you can assign users a single Permission Set Group. This makes it easier to manage multiple Permission Sets that a user needs, and also saves a lot of wasted time managing individual Permission Sets. Combine selected Permission Sets into a Group, and simply assign the Permission Set Group to provide all the permissions that users need for their job.”

-Alan Wojciechowski, Passage Technology

How We’re Paying it Forward

Passage Technology is proud to support Pledge 1%. One of the ways we are supporting Pledge 1% is through product donations to the nonprofit community. Pledge 1% makes it easy for companies to donate 1% of their staff time, product, profit, and/or equity to a charity that they choose. Learn how you can be a driver of this movement that helps companies stand at the forefront of economic and social change at Pledge 1% and our Pledge 1% Commitment.

Milestones PM+ Helps with Onboarding Success for Remote Employees Passage Technology Blog Tidying up Your Salesforce Data Reduces Storage Costs
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