Transforming Data: Leveraging Connectivity for Innovation



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Great opportunities often start by making connections.  

When your organization’s data is connected, this can open up new opportunities.

“There are transformative benefits to unifying your company’s data across channels and departments, and making it available and accessible to every corner of the organization,” explains the Salesforce blog Great Data Alone Won’t Make You Data-Driven – This Will.

Data that’s connected and working for you can lead to increased efficiency, help you innovate, get the edge on your competition, and build stronger relationships with your customers. 

Salesforce reports that data driven organizations are three times as likely to see improvements in decision-making. In addition, data-driven organizations are able to leverage data in a way that allows them to identify opportunities and competitive threats proactively. Data-driven companies also have higher customer retention rates because they use data to better understand their customers.

The Forbes article New Research: Data And Culture Fuel Innovation explains, “Great innovations come from the people in your organization who directly work with your product and, especially, who interact with customers or the data that customers generate.” 

Connected Data Helps Clear Capital Identify Trends and Be Proactive with Customers 

Clear Capital serves the mortgage and lending industries, offering clients intelligent valuation solutions for properties nationwide. When they needed to display multiple revenue and volume summaries for use in multiple business units, Business Systems Administrator Lisa Foster turned to Rollup Helper and Lookup Helper

Now Clear Capital can provide data to their teams that would otherwise be done manually. This allows the marketing team to see the results of their efforts and sales to see what is working well, and where there is an opportunity for improvement.

“We can spot trends in sales to allow us to be proactive with our customers and prospects. Plus, we were able to resolve an issue that was previously done with custom code and objects by adding a lookup and rollup field to accomplish the same task,” said Lisa. (Read the full story: Clear Capital Simplifies Reporting With Lookup Helper & Rollup Helper.)

Building Data Connections and Relationships—Use Cases

Top Use Case: Assign Child Record to Owner of Parent Record

Yes, you can set a custom or standard User lookup field for a record automatically by referencing information available on a parent record.

Link Child Accounts to Ultimate Parent Account in Salesforce

There are benefits to having children! When child accounts are directly related to the top level account, it makes it easier to pass information down from the top level parent, or aggregate information without having to traverse multiple relationships. 

Display Related List of Grandchild Records on the Parent Record

Have you ever wanted to see a list of related grandchild records when viewing a parent record in Salesforce?

How Can I Overcome Limitations with Salesforce Queues?

Do you need a way to easily route new Accounts to Account Managers who have two years of experience at your company and are located in the same country? 

Create Parent Record on Field Match

Categorizing your Salesforce data is great for reporting, but it’s not useful if the data isn’t accurate. 

Products Purchased 

Are you an Account Manager who needs to see a list of Opportunity Products purchased on each Account?

Names of Child Accounts on Parent Account

How do you roll up the names of child Accounts under each parent Account record? Quickly deploy one of Rollup Helper's pre-built rollups.


Note: Clear Capital®, the Clear Capital logo, and other trademarks of, Inc. included herein are the property of, Inc. or its subsidiaries.



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