Repetitive, Inefficient Tasks Are Costing Organizations Millions


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How Salesforce Apps Transform Billing Processes, Delivering Real-time Data and Automating Workflows

Inefficient processes not only waste time, they cost organizations millions of dollars a year. “Some organizations are losing up to $1.3 million a year due to inefficient tasks weighing employees down, according to a report by Formstack and Mantis Research which surveyed 2,000 workers,” said CIO Dive in their article, "Businesses can lose up to $1.3M a year on inefficient processes."

The article explains, “While automation might seem like the obvious answer, not all businesses are open to change. In organizations that have mostly manual, paper-based workflows, 3 in 5 respondents said their biggest struggle with implementing automation was a desire to stick to the status quo according to the report.”

“Inefficient processes can lead to wasted resources, time lost and unhappy employees. More than half of employees said they spend at least two hours on repetitive tasks daily, according to the report,” added the article.

While some organizations are experiencing struggles with digital transformation, other organizations are embracing change and creating efficiencies for processes like invoicing, processing discounts, as well as logging time and payments.

The stories below show how our customers are using Salesforce and our apps to streamline and simplify their billing, discount, time logging, and payment processes.

Simplifying a Complex Billing Process and Automating Workflows

As a provider of dedicated development teams and technology consultants, Mobilunity connects clients with technical talent to solve business problems. When Salesforce Admin, Developer, and Consultant Dorian Sabitov was presented with the challenge of automating and unifying their invoicing process, he needed to find a way to sum-up amounts due, while separating them by the different services that are billed to the same client.

Dorian used Rollup Helper to simplify Mobilunity’s complex billing process and automate their workflows. He explains, “By using Rollup Helper, we've made workflows automatic and tied to bill due dates. This ensures we're accurate and quick in managing our invoices.” 

“The benefit isn't just time saved. It also eliminates the need to have separate bookkeeping for various groups and tasks. Our team that deals with customer accounts finds its work goes smoother now,” adds Dorian. (Read the full story: Development Team Provider Optimizes Invoicing & Account Management with Rollup Helper.)

Triggering Approval Processes Based on Discount Thresholds

Wombat Solutions, a Salesforce consulting company, recently used Rollup Helper to help a client overcome a challenge with their discount and approval process.

“My client wanted an easy way to trigger approval processes based on discount thresholds, but they needed to do it by product family. For example, if the maximum discount on any opportunity product in the warranty family is greater than 40%, then an approval process will be triggered,” George, Wombat Solutions’ Founder explained.

“So I created 'Max discount on X family' with Rollup Helper that rolls up the max discount percentage of each product family on the opportunity product Object, right up to the opportunity. Based on this, I am able to trigger approval processes,” added George. (Read the full story: Rollup Helper Eliminates Need for Time-consuming Custom Apex Code at Wombat Solutions.)

Getting Real-Time, Actionable Data for Accounts Receivable and Flagging Invoices

As an independent consultant for Accounting Seed, Kathryn Cantwell’s company CFO Cloud Consulting bridges the gap between accounting and technology by leveraging the Salesforce® platform to digitize and simplify accounting processes.

“When a business needs to transition from a legacy accounting system to a cloud-based accounting solution or already has an existing Salesforce application but needs help maximizing its capabilities, we transform their business challenge into a cost-saving and revenue generating opportunity,” explains Kathryn.

CFO Cloud Consulting uses Rollup Helper to create and schedule data rollups. For example, they use Rollup Helper to get real-time data that shows how much clients are owed on an account. They also use it to help clients rollup their accounts receivable delinquencies into 30-day, 60-day, and 90- day buckets for invoices, as well as for flagging accounts that have more than three outstanding invoices. (Read the full story CFO Cloud Consulting Manages Billing Data for Clients With Rollup Helper.)

Tracking Logged Time, Invoices, Payments, Expenses and Rolling Up Time & Dollars

GSD used Rollup Helper internally to help them keep track of logged time, invoices, payments, expenses, and projects in custom objects. This included some with lookup relationships where data needed to be rolled up across objects. 

Since time entries are not master-detail to Invoices or Payments, they needed to rollup time across those two objects in real-time. Our team created custom development rollups using Apex, using Rollup Helper to rollup time and dollars. (Read the full story: Rollup Helper Adds Efficiency for GSD Consulting's Projects & Billing.)

Ready to transform your processes? Check out these use cases:

Roll-ups Using Formulas Rather than Static Criteria

Added Targeted Rollup Functionality

Top Five Ways to Use Lookup Helper and Rollup Helper Together

Tracking Billable and Nonbillable Time for Customer Projects

Create Parent Record on Field Match (Depending on your needs, you can modify this use case so the parent object is  “Payment Type” and the child object would be “Transaction/Purchase.”)

Milestone Billing Automation with Revenue Cloud, Salesforce CPQ

Setting up Revenue Cloud (Salesforce CPQ, Billing)

Ensuring Accurate Pricing and Margin Levels With Rollup Helper

Creating Grandchild Rollups



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