How do you calculate the latest Activity Date of all children Tasks for each Contact record?
How do you calculate the latest Activity Date of all children Tasks for each Contact record?
How do you calculate the most recent close date of a closed child Opportunity for each parent Account record?
How do you calculate the latest Task Activity Date with type "Email" for each Contact record?
How do you calculate the latest Created Date of all Campaigns for each Contact record?
How do you calculate the first close date for a child Opportunity for each parent Account record?
How do you calculate the earliest created date of a child Campaign for each parent Contact record?
How do you calculate the first activity date on a child Task record for each parent Contact record?
You need an easy method for reporting and planning around renewals without running a multi-object report.
Instead of having your users constantly referring to reports to gather information such as the next due task under an opportunity, rollup that information to a field directly on the...
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