Instead of having your users constantly referring to reports to gather information such as the next due task under an opportunity, rollup that information to a field directly on the...
Instead of having your users constantly referring to reports to gather information such as the next due task under an opportunity, rollup that information to a field directly on the...
As a Marketing Manager, I want to see the name of the first Campaign a prospect was a member of displayed on the Contact record.
A Salesforce user will want to quickly see what is the largest quote ever provided to an account from the Account page via a lookup field.
As an Account Manager or Sales Rep. I need to see the most recent activity on an Account before contacting the client.
As a Sales/Account Manager, I need visibility on an Account to the Last Task Completed.
As a Sales Representative, I want to see the name of the most recent Campaign a prospect was a member of displayed on the Contact record.
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