Passage Technology News and Updates – 2022 Fall Edition



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This issue features Rollup Helper news along with the latest Lookup Helper and Milestones PM+ updates.

Rollup Helper is Having a Moment

Have you ever watched home improvement shows? A common phrase the interior designers use to refer to rooms that they’re unveiling is “having a moment” as in “The kitchen is having a moment.” Then they pause for dramatic effect while the viewers take in the transformation.

Well, in the world of apps, Rollup Helper is having its moment (pause for dramatic effect). Earlier this year, Rollup Helper was honored to be the 10 Millionth AppExchange install. Since that time, we’ve rolled out new features to give you more flexibility. In this issue of the newsletter we highlight the latest Rollup Helper updates, along with some exciting enhancements from Milestones PM+ and Lookup Helper. 

We value your feedback and reviews as we continue to add more features, usability improvements, and functionality to our apps! Visit us on the AppExchange to leave a review for Rollup Helper, Milestones PM+, or Lookup Helper.

Pledge 1% Features PT’s Katelyn Montigney in Their Women Who Lead Series!

Katelyn Pledge 1% image

As part of the Pledge 1%’s #WomenWhoLead series, which celebrates female leaders who are paving the way for the next generation, Pledge 1% asked leaders to share insights about their journey to success.

Katelyn Montigney, who’s an application owner at Passage Technology, shared insights into her role to help inspire the next generation of women in technology. Katelyn says, “The best part of my job is the dev team I get to work with — everyone on the team, product owners and developers alike, is friendly and collaborative. We’ve overcome a lot of tough challenges working together, and I’m really proud of how we’ve grown as a team.” See the full story on the Pledge 1% website: Katelyn Montigney, Application Product Owner, Passage Technology

Another way we support Pledge 1% is through product donations to the nonprofit community. Pledge 1% makes it easy for companies to donate 1% of their staff time, product, profit, and/or equity to a charity that they choose. Learn how you can be a driver of this movement that helps companies stand at the forefront of economic and social change at Pledge 1% and our Pledge 1% Commitment.

How Salesforce + Apps = Education Transformation

Many school systems are struggling to meet the increased needs of their students and families. To help schools overcome challenges, Salesforce® developed Education Cloud for K-12. Education Cloud customers have seen improvements such as 38% faster response to student needs and a 30% increase in work-based learning attendance. But sometimes clients need more than what Salesforce can provide out of the box. Read more How Technology Solutions Can Transform Education and Improve Outcomes

What’s Your Data Story?

Stories are an important tool that can help people process complex concepts and make connections. Having a clear picture of your data story allows your organization to make informed decisions — and Admins are perfectly positioned to uncover insights that can help organizations tell their data stories. Read more Bringing it all Together: Telling Your Data Story

App News & Updates

Wow! Rollup Helper Dropped a BIG Release! 

Check out the full list of the release notes v17.21 or to see these updates in action, watch the Rollup Helper v17.21 video. Examples of the updates are featured below.

Rollup Helper updates include the new Granular Schedule Jobs functionality, which gives you the ability to schedule rollups in five-minute intervals. Previously schedules would only run at the top of the hour, but now they can run at any five-minute unit (HH:00, HH:05, HH:10, etc.). The following are examples of how the Granular Schedule Jobs functionality can be used:

  • If an org has other processes happening every hour that interfere with rollups processing, such as reporting notifications, data loads, etc., then having the ability to schedule at the half-hour mark will help avoid direct competition of resources. This also allows other processes to run at the top of the hour first, before processing the rollup.
  • If a user has multiple rollups that update the same Object and is running into issues like record locks, then the rollups can be spread out within the hour. This means the user can get results sooner, instead of having to space them out by the hour.

The image below shows the checkbox for the new Granular Schedule Jobs functionality.

Rollup Helper image newsletter

Now when you create Queue Items from manual or scheduled runs, it shows you the number of completed records processed and the percent complete. See the image below.

RH Queue Items image

Improvements to the Quick Settings Modal include the addition of several settings along with info text for each setting, as well as the creation of a new Advanced Settings section.

RH Quick Setting Modal

Rollup Group Actions are included in a convenient compact menu (shown below).

RH Group Actions image

About Rollup Helper

With Rollup Helper, you can super-charge your org with capabilities that normally require extensive coding. Rollup Helper overcomes common Salesforce rollup limitations like needing a Master-Detail relationship or the inability to include cross-object formula fields in rollup summary filters. Use Rollup Helper to build mission critical reports and trigger intelligent data-driven workflows.


New! Milestones PM+ Expands Program Capabilities and More

Kicking off the Milestones PM+ updates is the new Portfolio Object. This feature expands Program capabilities by allowing Projects to relate to multiple Portfolios. To create one, go to the Portfolio tab or add the “Project Portfolio” related list to the Project page layout. See the image below for an example. Check out the Milestones PM+ release notes v13.8 to see the full list of updates and enhancements.

MPM+ Portfolio Object image

With the new Template Editor feature, you can edit templates directly from the Import Template tab.

MPM+ edit project template image

The following image shows the options for editing a Project Template.

Editing project template

Our Resource Assignment Tab update makes it easier to find resources by selecting tasks and teams to search for available resources. The grid returns all available resources that match the team selected, and it includes all required skills from the chosen tasks. Users can also assign tasks right from this page. See the gray highlighted areas in the image below.

Resource Management

About Milestones PM+

100% Salesforce-native and easily customizable, Milestones PM+ is a free AppExchange app for all Salesforce clouds (Professional and up) with complete org access to all customers. Instant 360-degree visibility to programs, projects, milestones, tasks, time, risks and issues, and resources provides better project management right in your CRM.

Lookup Helper Enhancements & New Use Cases

Recent Lookup Helper updates include usability improvements and bug fixes. For example, now you can run all active Lookup Helper Settings via a button on the All Settings page, as well as edit Lookup Helper App Settings from the All Settings page via a modal. See the Lookup Helper v9.36 Release Notes for the complete list.

The following use cases show how Lookup Helper can fill in the e-commerce gaps with Salesforce by adding efficiency and providing flexibility for inventory management for companies with multiple locations.

Easily Monitor Inventory in Salesforce With an Inventory Level Object

e-Commerce: View Products by Category in Salesforce

About Lookup Helper

Lookup Helper gives you better visibility and insights to your Salesforce data by automatically relating records. For standard and custom objects, it allows you to organize your data by geographic location, time-frame, industry, or any other data category.

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Since 2008, our apps and development services have been trusted by Admins and developers for building solutions on the Salesforce platform. Whether you’re planning a Salesforce data migration, enhancement, or back office app integration project, we’ll deliver on your vision. It starts with a free 30-minute consultation with our development team to talk about your project vision.


Ask PT About Prioritizing Salesforce Open Cases Based on Open Tasks

Ask PT InstagramDear PT, 

Is there an easy way to show how many Tasks are left to be completed in an open Salesforce® Case? This would help us to manage resources better and ultimately be more productive as an organization. It also might prevent us from closing a Case before it’s truly complete. 

-O. Penntask from the OC


To see the answer to O. Penntask’s question, read Ask PT About Prioritizing Salesforce Open Cases Based on Open Tasks.

Have a question to submit to PT? Fill out the submission form, and you may see it used in a future installment in this series! Explore the Ask PT archive.


Get Essential Guidance for Business Transformation – Free!

For businesses using Salesforce, the competitive landscape is always evolving. Learn How to Take Your Business to the Next Level with our downloadable guides. These exclusive, free guides offer invaluable insights and can help you on your journey to business transformation and continuous improvement.

Essential Guides image



How We’re Paying it Forward

Passage Technology is proud to support Pledge 1%. One of the ways we are supporting Pledge 1% is through product donations to the nonprofit community. Pledge 1% makes it easy for companies to donate 1% of their staff time, product, profit, and/or equity to a charity that they choose. Learn how you can be a driver of this movement that helps companies stand at the forefront of economic and social change at Pledge 1% and our Pledge 1% Commitment.


Ask PT About Prioritizing Salesforce Open Cases Based on Open Tasks Passage Technology Blog Ask PT About Tracking Billable/Non-Billable Hours in Salesforce
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