Passage Technology Blog

Filtered by case-management

Ask PT About Viewing Open Cases on Salesforce Contact or Account Level


Dear PT, 

Salesforce® functionality will let you view open Cases within your org. However, sometimes there are situations where it would be useful to view this information on a more granular level, for specific Contacts or Accounts. How could our company set up this at-a-glance list view, which also has filters for priority and status?

O. Pennliste from Caseville, MI

Ask PT About Prioritizing Salesforce Open Cases Based on Open Tasks


Dear PT, 

Is there an easy way to show how many Tasks are left to be completed in an open Salesforce® Case? This would help us to manage resources better and ultimately be more productive as an organization. It also might prevent us from closing a Case before it’s truly complete.

O. Penntask from the OC

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