Passage Technology Blog

Filtered by customer-relationship-management-crm

Ask PT About Prioritizing Rollup Updates in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

We love Rollup Helper. We use it in so many ways. However, we work with a lot of different business segments, and would like to create rollups that only populate to certain parent objects—like only up to Customer Accounts instead of Prospects. Is there a way to filter our rollup results?

Phil Tearring from Parent, MN

Ask PT About Comparing Year-Over-Year Revenue to Date in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

Comparisons can be an important factor in forecasting. At our company, we’d like to compare this partial year’s revenue Opportunity total for an Account to the same time period in the previous year. Are we going up, down, or flat? Salesforce® doesn't do this out of the box. Can Rollup Helper help us?

Totul Todayt from Trend, Denmark

Ask PT About Salesforce's “Last Activity” Field


Dear PT, 

At our company, we are having difficulties leveraging the default configuration for the Last Activity field in our Salesforce® org. We are looking for a convenient and efficient way for RevOps team members to know what happened in our last contact with a customer, but it’s difficult since activities are split into both Tasks and Events. And it would be nice if we didn’t have to spend time on coding and ongoing maintenance to achieve this. Can you help?

C. Last in NOLA

What is technical debt, and how can you avoid it in Salesforce?


What is technical debt?

The easiest explanation is that hardware, software, or technical processes you implement now may not work in the future. This can manifest in many ways. When you're under pressure to put something together quickly, this can result in bugs that will take a lot of time to fix (possibly more time than doing it correctly the first time). Technical debt can also manifest when you move information over from a legacy system, or it can be something that needs to be fixed with better documentation to help user adoption or ensure people use the tools correctly.

Helping Admins & Developers Get More Out of Salesforce


In certain respects, the greatest benefits of using the Salesforce® platform are often directly associated with its greatest challenges.

Setting Up Salesforce

Salesforce is more than a CRM company now—it has a multitude of cloud- and industry-focused solutions and a large marketplace of consulting and app vendors available to customize it via the Salesforce AppExchange. The platform requires a high degree of customization (and most likely packaged apps) to meet your needs; it’s just not a set of licenses you are buying from Salesforce. So by design it can be incredibly helpful for many companies to establish a strategy for implementing Salesforce.

How to Get More from Digital and Connect with Your Customers


Is Digital 360 Worth the Hype? The short answer is “absolutely.” 

Digital 360 has recently become the new industry standard for communicating with customers on the level they have come to expect. It allows businesses to connect with their audiences on the platforms they prefer, and the way they want. 

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