Passage Technology Blog

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Ask PT About Making Sure Contact Roles Are Documented in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

Managing data and data hygiene in Salesforce® is a constant struggle at our company. Sometimes, incomplete data can be as damaging as bad data. With different people doing the data entry, it can be difficult to make sure the information is complete every time. For example, Opportunities may not have the key roles for the Contacts properly documented. Is there any easy way to identify and fix these data gaps?

Val I. Dayshon from Roll, AZ

Ask PT About Prioritizing Rollup Updates in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

We love Rollup Helper. We use it in so many ways. However, we work with a lot of different business segments, and would like to create rollups that only populate to certain parent objects—like only up to Customer Accounts instead of Prospects. Is there a way to filter our rollup results?

Phil Tearring from Parent, MN

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