Passage Technology Blog

Filtered by data-storage

7 Challenges Salesforce Admins Face & How Our Admin Apps Solve Them


Do More with a Little Help from Your Friends

Like the Beatles’ song, when you have a little help from your friends, you can do so much more. 

An accelerator for Salesforce Admins/power users, business analysts, and developers, Passage Technology’s "Admin Apps" allow you to stop coding where you don't have to, so you can focus on your organization's key goals. 

Tight Budget? Salesforce Apps Can Help Reduce Costs and Fuel Growth


Achieving more with fewer resources is a challenge many business leaders are facing in the current economic climate.

According to Gartner’s 2023 Software Buying Trends report, “Budgets are getting tighter and leaders are forced to figure out how to do more with less.”

Tidying up Your Salesforce Data Reduces Storage Costs


It’s amazing how much stuff we can pile up over time. Somehow we manage to add more things into our closets and drawers without taking the time to sort through them to remove the things we don’t use anymore.

And sometimes we manage our data storage like our closets at home.

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