Passage Technology Blog

Filtered by customer-support

Ask PT About Using Salesforce to Onboard Customers


Dear PT, 

At our company, we are looking to improve and streamline our customer onboarding process. We sell a number of products and services, and each has a repetitive process to properly deliver and onboard. Usually, we clone a number of Salesforce® Projects, and then make the changes necessary for that customer and purchase. As we’ve seen, this process is sometimes prone to errors and omissions. How can we make improvements?

Gus Towmer in Welcome, ON, Canada

Ask PT About Salesforce's “Last Activity” Field


Dear PT, 

At our company, we are having difficulties leveraging the default configuration for the Last Activity field in our Salesforce® org. We are looking for a convenient and efficient way for RevOps team members to know what happened in our last contact with a customer, but it’s difficult since activities are split into both Tasks and Events. And it would be nice if we didn’t have to spend time on coding and ongoing maintenance to achieve this. Can you help?

C. Last in NOLA

Ask PT How to See CY Revenue for Salesforce Opportunities or Accounts


Dear PT, 

Our company displays products, quantity, and revenue on our Opportunity records. Unfortunately, the revenue figures are from the last 12 months to date, so the total may span two different years. We need to separate the revenue into two different categories, this year and last year. And we’d also like to display this information at the Account level. What do you suggest?

Rev. Nu Kalander from Fields, IN

We're Here for You


New Support Page Provides Easy Access to Resources & Options

At Passage Technology, we put customers at the center of everything we do. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that we’re launching our enhanced customer Support page. 

Ask PT About Prioritizing Salesforce Open Cases Based on Open Tasks


Dear PT, 

Is there an easy way to show how many Tasks are left to be completed in an open Salesforce® Case? This would help us to manage resources better and ultimately be more productive as an organization. It also might prevent us from closing a Case before it’s truly complete.

O. Penntask from the OC

Introducing Passage Technology’s Knowledge Base


A New Support Option for Our Customers

A recent Harvard Business Review study reports 62% of customers think having knowledgeable employees is the third most important aspect needed for a company to provide good customer service.

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