Passage Technology Blog

Filtered by data-quality

Building and Implementing a Sound Data Governance Program


A key responsibility of every business’s IT and Analytics department is to establish and execute a comprehensive data governance program. Executive leadership teams view this function as vital to a company’s overall risk management and growth potential—and with good reason. This applies to businesses of all sizes, from small to very large.

Tips for Executing an Effective Data Quality Strategy


A business’s operations, and its resulting success, are highly dependent upon the quality of the data it uses. This truism is universally accepted. Data impacts every facet of the business, and with the growing use of AI, the business must be proactive in its data quality strategy.

7 Challenges Salesforce Admins Face & How Our Admin Apps Solve Them


Do More with a Little Help from Your Friends

Like the Beatles’ song, when you have a little help from your friends, you can do so much more. 

An accelerator for Salesforce Admins/power users, business analysts, and developers, Passage Technology’s "Admin Apps" allow you to stop coding where you don't have to, so you can focus on your organization's key goals. 

Ask PT About Making Sure Contact Roles Are Documented in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

Managing data and data hygiene in Salesforce® is a constant struggle at our company. Sometimes, incomplete data can be as damaging as bad data. With different people doing the data entry, it can be difficult to make sure the information is complete every time. For example, Opportunities may not have the key roles for the Contacts properly documented. Is there any easy way to identify and fix these data gaps?

Val I. Dayshon from Roll, AZ

Ask PT About Avoiding the Creation of Duplicate Records in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

At our company, when users create a Salesforce® Contact, a search is done to find if the related Account is already in our records. If they don’t find an Account, then one is created. This manual process sometimes results in duplicate Accounts being created, with identical information or differing information. Data quality suffers, relationship management is affected, and then time and resources are wasted fixing the problems. There has to be a better way.

Bette R. Dada-Highjeene from Dublin, OH

Data Pain: Duplicate Records, Incomplete Contacts & Disparate Systems


How Clean, Real-time Data Can Open a World of New Possibilities

Benjamin Disraeli once said, “Change is inevitable. Change is constant.” And in the world of data, change happens at lightning speed. To give you an idea of just how fast data changes–Salesforce® reports that every 30 minutes, 120 business addresses change, and 75 phone numbers change.

Celebrating Database Admins – Our Unsung Heroes


July 1 Marks the 5th Annual Database Administrators Appreciation Day

Database Administrators work behind the scenes to keep their Salesforce org running smoothly. They do everything from creating reports and automating complex business processes, to training users on Salesforce – all while helping their teams stay efficient and on top of things.

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