Elon Musk once said, “I think you should always bear in mind that entropy is not on your side.”
As businesses continue to react to the new challenges imposed on a world still reeling from a pandemic in its second year, this truth has emerged: Waiting to undertake strategic business transformation is not an option.
It would be nice if businesses could wait until the turmoil is over, gain a full understanding of the new environment, and then confidently make the changes needed to succeed. However, time is a luxury most businesses can’t afford. Business leaders need to move forward and enact transformation now, even if they may not have all the information they desire.
We want to provide you with the information you need to achieve your goals.
This issue features stories on how you can do more with Passage Technology’s Apps and Salesforce.
A recent Harvard Business Review study reports 62% of customers think having knowledgeable employees is the third most important aspect needed for a company to provide good customer service.
This issue features stories on how you can do more with Passage Technology’s Apps and Salesforce.
This issue features stories on how you can do more with Passage Technology's Apps and Salesforce.
Problem solving is a skill needed for all job fields and levels. In your own life, you may have individuals you go to for advice often because they're a better problem solver than others, but what makes a good problem solver?
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