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How Decision Makers Can Confidently Enact Successful Strategic Change


As businesses continue to react to the new challenges imposed on a world still reeling from a pandemic in its second year, this truth has emerged: Waiting to undertake strategic business transformation is not an option. 

Instilling Confidence

It would be nice if businesses could wait until the turmoil is over, gain a full understanding of the new environment, and then confidently make the changes needed to succeed. However, time is a luxury most businesses can’t afford. Business leaders need to move forward and enact transformation now, even if they may not have all the information they desire.

Common Problems with Lead Scoring, and How to Fix Them


Lead scoring is used in most B2B companies. It would be tough to follow up with every "lead" that came through, so sales must prioritize their time in order to maintain focus and efficiency. The implementation of a lead scoring solution can range from tiers, star system, percentage likelihood to close, or simply "hot" vs "cold" indicators. Lead scoring also doesn't have to happen on just leads; you can prioritize customers, opportunities, contacts, or activities/tasks that you have already planned for following up on your sales prospects. 

But is lead scoring really effective? It can certainly help to direct sales to know who to follow up with (and who marketing needs to nurture more) when done correctly, but there can be issues with the way the scoring is built that causes inaccurate scores. Here are some of the most common problems.

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