Passage Technology Blog

Filtered by onboarding

Ask PT About Using Salesforce to Onboard New Employees


Dear PT, 

In this competitive job market, with turnover increasing, productivity is a challenge. We need to get new employees at our company onboarded and up-to-speed as soon as possible.  We have a number of separate processes in place within Salesforce® for both compliance and training. How might we take a more comprehensive approach to get better outcomes?

M. Ployer in Train, Germany

Ask PT About Using Salesforce to Onboard Customers


Dear PT, 

At our company, we are looking to improve and streamline our customer onboarding process. We sell a number of products and services, and each has a repetitive process to properly deliver and onboard. Usually, we clone a number of Salesforce® Projects, and then make the changes necessary for that customer and purchase. As we’ve seen, this process is sometimes prone to errors and omissions. How can we make improvements?

Gus Towmer in Welcome, ON, Canada

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