Passage Technology Blog

Filtered by rollup-filters

Ask PT About Prioritizing Rollup Updates in Salesforce


Dear PT, 

We love Rollup Helper. We use it in so many ways. However, we work with a lot of different business segments, and would like to create rollups that only populate to certain parent objects—like only up to Customer Accounts instead of Prospects. Is there a way to filter our rollup results?

Phil Tearring from Parent, MN

Ask PT How to See CY Revenue for Salesforce Opportunities or Accounts


Dear PT, 

Our company displays products, quantity, and revenue on our Opportunity records. Unfortunately, the revenue figures are from the last 12 months to date, so the total may span two different years. We need to separate the revenue into two different categories, this year and last year. And we’d also like to display this information at the Account level. What do you suggest?

Rev. Nu Kalander from Fields, IN

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