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Tidying up Your Salesforce Data Reduces Storage Costs


It’s amazing how much stuff we can pile up over time. Somehow we manage to add more things into our closets and drawers without taking the time to sort through them to remove the things we don’t use anymore.

And sometimes we manage our data storage like our closets at home.

How to Maximize Salesforce Data Storage in Your Org


All businesses, whether they are for-profit or not-for-profit, have a bottom line and keeping the organization’s expenses in check is a main goal. Part of a healthy company is investing in tools or technology to assist in growth and another part is in not spending unnecessarily.  

Salesforce Storage

Salesforce is an example of one of the investments companies make to enable growth. Being a multi-tenant environment, there are limits in place in order to ensure that our orgs perform consistently. One such area is Storage.  

Salesforce Storage is divided into two types, each with it’s own limits - File Storage and Data Storage.

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